I've been noodling over what to call this series of books/games I am working on. Ultimately everything needs a brand name.

Iliad or Gilgamesh

One thought is to call this either Project Iliad or Project Gilgamesh, given the sheer number of references to both. However Gilgamesh and Iliad are historical titles, and users typing that into google are going to be buried (and rightfully so) under actual history references.


Another thought was to call this "Sublight". This is a reference to both the fact my Magic system restricts things to the speed of light, and also the sense that manipulating light below the surface powers magic. But, as clever a name as that might be there is a media player called sublight, that again, is going to bury me in search rankings.


Well if sublight is taken, what if I run sublight through google translate and find some cool sounding translation. In Irish sublight translates to ... sublight. In German "Unterlicht". The problem is, searches for Unterlicht turn up a lot of home improvement products, car mods, and architecture links. Unterlicht means something in German already.

Made Up Names

I write software for a living. Most of my products are years in gestation, and when they are finally done the function often doesn't match the original name. So I have been making a habit of just picking a name that speaks to me from a list of randomly generated names. For instance, I have a self-contained executable generator named Sobyk.

Internal Error

wrong # args: should be "link url content"
    while executing
"link https://donjon.bin.sh/fantasy/name/#type=mon"
    invoked from within
"subst {A site called [link https://donjon.bin.sh/fantasy/name/#type=mon;mon=draconic_male DonJon] has
a number of tools for that purpose. Running "Dra..."
    ("uplevel" body line 1)
    invoked from within
"uplevel 1 [list subst $arg]"
    (procedure "para" line 3)
    invoked from within
"para {A site called [link https://donjon.bin.sh/fantasy/name/#type=mon;mon=draconic_male DonJon] has
a number of tools for that purpose. Running "Drac..."
    ("eval" body line 33)
    invoked from within
"eval {*}$args"
    (class "::clay::yggdrasil" method "eval" line 2)
    invoked from within
"my  eval [dict get $data body]"
    (class "::httpd::content.cuneiform" method "content" line 15)
    invoked from within
"my content"