The story is set on an intersteller factory vessel, the FGV Iliad. The Iliad is the second ship of the Gilgamesh Class. I put together a quick little fact sheet, as well as an Excel worksheet which contains everything from how to project the relativistic effect of a ship constantly accelerating at 1 g to populations and agricultural models. Heck, I even do a rudimentary cattle population model.
The main character (who you will be playing) is a last minute transfer. You are joining the vessel as it is getting ready to push off for a long voyage. This trip is nearly 50 light years. While easy for the ship, by the time the ship returns more than 200 years will passed in Earth's system. There may be a planet to come home to, but it won't be home, nor will it contain anyone who even remembers someone who remembers someone who remembers someone who knew you.
Because these trips are essentially are a one way voyage the vessels are designed to be home. The vessel contains hundreds of acres of agricultural fields. The ship has its own cattle herd. It has a coffee plantation. It has wheat fields. And orchards. A bamboo forest. A redwood forest. There are ball fields. And schools. Fusion reactors provide nearly limitless power.
The reactors also provide nearly limitless thrust. As such, the vessel normally cruises in a state of constant acceleration. This provides normal Earth gravity.
At times when the ship is orbit, or otherwise NOT propelling itself through space, the habitation areas rotate inside of massive centrifuge. This form of gravity is a little more quirky. On the lowest decks gravity is 1g. On the upper decks, gravity is 0.6. In the middle decks where most people live and work, gravity is 0.75g. But depending on where you are on the deck, that can change. The net result is that it's good enough gravity to make toilets work, allow plants to grow, and keep the crew's muscles from atrophying. But sporting events have to adjust their game play a bit to account for quirks caused by the Coriolis effect.
Enjoy the slide show, and feel free to play with the spreadsheet. You can try different starting population models. You can make the ship bigger, or smaller. You can also control how far the ship is traveling. Theoretically, this technology could reach the other side of the Milky way, or even to other Galaxies. The trade off is that the trip gets to be more and more of a one way affair, because while the ship's crew will arrive in a matter of decades, thousands to millions of years will pass on Earth.