Welcome to Etoyoc.com! The personal vanity domain of Sean Woods: author, software engineer, and 3d artist. This site is also a showcase for ToadHttpd, a webserver engine that I've written from scratch.

3d Art

Many folks who stumble onto this site are here for my 3d art. The actually showcase is mainly on my Etsy Store. I sometimes discuss the technical details of how I produce my widgets, sculptures, (and most especially) yarn bowls in the art section of my blog.

TTRPG and Book Series

Other folks may be here to find out more about either the book series I am working on, or the table top role playing game (TTRPG) that I am building that is set in the same Universe. I have a sub-blog about the Sublight Universe.

Software Engineering

I am a professional software engineer. I work for Test & Evaluation Solutions, as the guy who maintains their Expert System which implements the Integrated Recoverability Model. Much of that work is in C and Tcl. In the Tcl community I occasionally help out the Core group, and I'm mainly known as the guy who spearheaded adding ZipFS support to the core.

Links of interest for software engineering:

Everything Else...

But of course, this site has a lot more to offer too:

News Feed

Older Posts
Mon September 30, 2024blogart3d Printed Mugs
Tue November 26, 2024blogsublightChromodynamic Magic System
Tue April 30, 2024blogsublightWorldbuilding with Reddit
Mon February 05, 2024blogsublightGame Pitch - Yet Another Space Trader Game
Tue November 28, 2023blogartRecyled PETG Colors
Wed November 08, 2023blogartEnder 3 Pro in 2023
Sat October 14, 2023blogThe IliadDIY Printer Enclosures
Mon October 16, 2023blogThe IliadDIY Kallex Shelf Dividers
Sat October 14, 2023blogThe IliadOde to Milk Crates
Sat October 14, 2023blogThe IliadDIY Wooden Shelves
Sat October 07, 2023blogThe IliadDeshittifying the Internet
Sun September 10, 2023blogsublightPlaytest - Sublight Tarot Deck
Wed August 23, 2023blogsublightFinding (Captain) Nemo
Sun July 23, 2023blogsublightRobots and A.I. in Sublight
Mon July 17, 2023blogartHOWTO: The Benchy Hat
Mon July 17, 2023blogartOpen Sauce 2023
Sat April 01, 2023blogsublightWhat is going on with Sublight (April 2023)
Sat July 15, 2023blogartEtsy Store
Tue November 28, 2023blogart3d Filament Colors - PLA
Sat December 24, 2022bloghypnotoadText Game Engine
Sat July 15, 2023blogartPumpkin Crochet Bowl
Sat July 15, 2023blogartStar Trek Renfaire
Tue August 23, 2022blogsublightSpace Combat in the Sublight TTRPG
Sat July 15, 2023blogart3d Model - Wand Repair Plug
Mon August 01, 2022blogsublightPractical of Flying Saucers
Tue April 05, 2022blogsublightCharacter - Orochi
Wed April 27, 2022blogsublightM.A.E. - The Magicicans Guild
Wed April 27, 2022bloghypnotoadTcl Markup | HTML 5 / Javascript Implementation
Mon February 28, 2022blogsublightCivilization Development Patterns in the Sublight Universe
Tue February 15, 2022blogsublightTethered Space Ring around Psyche
Tue May 21, 2024blogsublightMind/Will/Spirit Personality Archetypes
Wed February 09, 2022blogsublightIntegrating the Enneagram into Mind/Will/Soul