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Comment: | General configration section of dIMU class and Multisenor example working. |
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SHA3-256: | cbe12efdf436b24712cb2aa020765abb3245506b4f67529c73d03f508d5c8c4a |
User & Date: | gwlester 2018-02-09 22:38:06 |
| ||
22:39 | Correction of wide spread typo. check-in: cecb467b84 user: gwlester tags: trunk | |
22:38 | General configration section of dIMU class and Multisenor example working. check-in: cbe12efdf4 user: gwlester tags: trunk | |
| ||
05:50 | Correct several bugs. check-in: a2782097ce user: gwlester tags: trunk | |
Changes to examples/Multisensor_Example.tcl.
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array set MagValues { range 2000dps digits 5 decimals 1 minChange 0.1 formatStr {%7.1} } array set Configuration { i2cbus 1 dIMUaddress 0x28 } array set UI { operation,map,label { configmode "Configuration Mode" acconly "Accelerometer Only" magonly "Magnetometer Only" gyroonly "Gyroscope Only" accmag "Accelerometer and Magnetometer Only" accgyro "Accelerometer and Gyroscope Only" ................................................................................ ndof "9 Degrees of Freedom -- Fast Magnetometer Calibration On" } power,map,label { normal "Normal" low "Low" suspend "Suspend" } } foreach key [array names UI "*,map,label"] { lassign [split $key ","] option set maxLabelSize -1 foreach {symbol label} $UI($key) { dict set UI($option,map,symbol) $label $symbol ................................................................................ ## ## Begin procedure definition section ## proc ChangeOperationMode {varName index op} { global UI global Configuration set mode [dict get $UI(operation,map,symbol) $Configuration(operation] if {$mode ne "configmode"} { DisableConfigurationWidgets EnableTabs $mode } else { EnableConfigurationWidgets DisableTabs } } proc ConfigurationChange {varName index op} { global UI global CurrentValue upvar #0 $varName configuration set value $configuration($index) if {$index eq refreshRate} { return } elseif {[info exists UI($index,map,symbol)]} { set value [dict get $UI($index,map,symbol) $value] } $CurrentValue(handle) configure -$index $value } proc DisableTabs {} { global UI set notebook $UI(mainNotebook) foreach {tab widget} [array get UI {main,*}] { $nodebook tab $widget -state disabled } $nodebook tab $UI(main,configuration) -state normal $nodebook select $UI(main,configuration) } proc EnableTags {mode} { global UI DisableTabs set notebook $UI(mainNotebook) switch -exact -- $mode { configmode - ................................................................................ } imu - compass - m4g - ndof_fmc_off - ndof { foreach {tab widget} [array get UI {main,*}] { $nodebook tab $widget -state normal } } } } proc ReadGyro {} { global CurrentValue global GryoValues ## ## Read the gyroscope ## set currentReadings [$CurrentValue(handle) readGyro] set formatStr $GryoValues(formatStr) set x [format $formatStr [dict get $currentReadings x]] set y [format $formatStr [dict get $currentReadings z]] set z [format $formatStr [dict get $currentReadings z]] set minChange $GryoValues(minChange if {abs($x - $CurrentValue(gyroscope,x)) > $minChange || abs($y - $CurrentValue(gyroscope,y)) > $minChange || abs($z - $CurrentValue(gyroscope,z)) > $minChange } { LogValues $x $y $z ## ................................................................................ set CurrentValue(gyroscope,x) $x set CurrentValue(gyroscope,y) $y set CurrentValue(gyroscope,z) $z } return } proc LogValues {type} { variable WidgetData variable CurrentValue #if {[info exists CurrentValue(logId)]} { # after cancel $CurrentValue(logId) ................................................................................ set x $CurrentValue($type,x) set y $CurrentValue($type,y) set z $CurrentValue($type,z) $WidgetData($type,history) insert {} end -values [list $timeStamp $x $y $z] } proc StartReading {} { global i2cbus dIMUaddress range CurrentValue if {$dIMUaddress eq {}} { return } .main.controls.buttons.start configure -state disabled .main.controls.buttons.stop configure -state normal StartGyro $CurrentValue(handle) $range ReadGyro } ................................................................................ if {[info exists CurrentValue(logId)]} { after cancel $CurrentValue(logId) } .main.controls.buttons.start configure -state normal .main.controls.buttons.stop configure -state disabled } proc CreateGui {} { global UI wm title . "dIMU Gyroscope Example" set UI(mainNotebook) [ttk::notebook .main] grid configure .main -sticky nsew grid columnconfigure . .main -weight 1 grid rowconfigure . .main -weight 1 set UI(main,configuration) [ttk::frame .main.configuration] .main add .main.configuration -text {Configuration} ................................................................................ proc CreateGeneralConfigFrame {general} { ## ## General Configuration group ## ttk::label $general.busLbl \ -text {I2C Bus:} ttk::combobox $general.busCMB \ -textvariable ::Configuration(i2cbus) \ -values [list 1] \ -state readonly ttk::label $general.addrLbl \ -text {iDMU Address:} ttk::entry $general.addrEnt \ -width 5 \ -textvariable ::Configuration(dIMUaddress) \ -state readonly ttk::label $general.rateLbl1 \ -text {Refresh Rate:} ttk::spinbox $general.rateEnt \ -from 50.0 \ -to 500.0 \ -increment 10.0 \ -format {%3.0f} \ -wrap no \ -command [format {set ::Configuration(refreshRate) [expr {entier([%1$s get])}]} $general.rateEnt] ttk::label $general.rateLbl2 \ -text { in microseconds} ttk::label $general.operLbl1 \ -text {Operational Mode} # change values to be human readable ttk::combobox $general.operCMB \ -textvariable ::Configuration(operation) \ -values [dict keys $::UI(operation,map,symbol)] \ -width $::UI(operation,maxLabelSize) \ -state readonly ttk::label $general.pwrLbl1 \ -text {Power Mode} ttk::combobox $general.pwrCMB \ -textvariable ::Configuration(power) \ -values [dict keys $::UI(power,map,symbol)] \ -width $::UI(power,maxLabelSize) \ -state readonly # Add axis remap and axis sign # Add self test results # Add clock select if sys_clk_status is true # Reset interupt # Reset system # Add self test trigger # Fusion Unit Type (Andriod vs Windows) # System Calibration status # Unique ID # Add temp source # Add Temp units # Add Temp reading # Add EUL units # Add System Status # Add System Error Code grid configure $general.busLbl $general.busCMB x x -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky ew grid configure $general.addrLbl $general.addrEnt x x -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky ew grid configure $general.rateLbl1 $general.rateEnt $general.rateLbl2 x -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky ew grid configure $general.operLbl1 $general.operCMB x x -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky ew grid configure $general.pwrLbl1 $general.pwrCMB x x -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky ew grid columnconfigure $general $general.addrEnt -uniform entry grid columnconfigure $general 3 -weight 1 $general.rateEnt set 50.0 } proc CreateAccelConfigFrame {accel} { ## ## Accelerometer group ## ttk::label $accel.rangeLbl \ -text {Range:} ttk::combobox $accel.rangeCMB \ -textvariable ::range \ -values [list 250dps 500dps 2000dps] \ -state readonly ttk::label $accel.numDigitsLbl \ -text {Digits before decimal} ttk::combobox $accel.numDigitsCMB \ -textvariable ::AccelValues(digits) \ -values [list 3 4] \ -state readonly ttk::label $accel.numDecimalsLbl \ ................................................................................ -to 200.0 \ -increment 0.1 \ -format {%5.1f} \ -wrap no \ -textvariable ::AccelValues(minChange) ttk::label $accel.minChangeLbl2 \ -text {dps change} # Add ACC units # Add Self Test status # Add Calibration status # Add Unit Select # Add offsets # Add radius # Add Acc No Motion Interrupt Status ................................................................................ proc CreateGyroConfigFrame {gyro} { ## ## Gyrometer ## ttk::label $gyro.rangeLbl \ -text {Range:} ttk::combobox $gyro.rangeCMB \ -textvariable ::range \ -values [list 250dps 500dps 2000dps] \ -state readonly ttk::label $gyro.numDigitsLbl \ -text {Digits before decimal} ttk::combobox $gyro.numDigitsCMB \ -textvariable ::GryoValues(digits) \ -values [list 3 4] \ -state readonly ttk::label $gyro.numDecimalsLbl \ -text {Digits after decimal} ttk::combobox $gyro.numDecimalsCMB \ -textvariable ::GryoValues(decimals) \ -values [list 1 2 3 4] \ -state readonly ttk::label $gyro.minChangeLbl1 \ -text {Ignore less than} ttk::spinbox $gyro.minChangeEnt \ -from 0.1 \ -to 200.0 \ -increment 0.1 \ -format {%5.1f} \ -wrap no \ -textvariable ::GryoValues(minChange) ttk::label $gyro.minChangeLbl2 \ -text {dps change} # Add Self Test status # Add Calibration status # Add Unit Select # Add offsets # Add Gyro High Rate Interrupt Status # Add Gyro Any Motion Interrupt Status # Add Gyro Any Motion Threashold ................................................................................ proc CreateMagConfigFrame {mag} { ## ## Magnetometer group ## ttk::label $mag.rangeLbl \ -text {Range:} ttk::combobox $mag.rangeCMB \ -textvariable ::range \ -values [list 250dps 500dps 2000dps] \ -state readonly ttk::label $mag.numDigitsLbl \ -text {Digits before decimal} ttk::combobox $mag.numDigitsCMB \ -textvariable ::MagValues(digits) \ -values [list 3 4] \ -state readonly ttk::label $mag.numDecimalsLbl \ ................................................................................ -to 200.0 \ -increment 0.1 \ -format {%5.1f} \ -wrap no \ -textvariable ::MagValues(minChange) ttk::label $mag.minChangeLbl2 \ -text {dps change} # Add Self Test status # Add Calibration status # Add Unit Select # Add offsets # Add radius # Add Mag Power Mode # Add Mag Operation Mode ................................................................................ -command StopReading grid configure x $control.start x $control.stop x -sticky ew grid columnconfigure $control {0 2 4} -weight 1 } proc CreateConfigurationFrame {w} { set general $w.gen set accel $w.acc set gyro $w.gyro set mag $w.mag set control $w.controls ttk::labelframe $general \ -text "General" ttk::labelframe $accel \ -text "Accelerometer" ttk::labelframe $gyro \ -text "Gyrometer" ttk::labelframe $mag \ -text "Magnetometer" ttk::frame $control grid configure $general -sticky nsew -pady 2 -padx 4 -ipady 4 grid configure $accel -sticky nsew -pady 2 -padx 4 -ipady 4 grid configure $gyro -sticky nsew -pady 2 -padx 4 -ipady 4 grid configure $mag -sticky nsew -pady 2 -padx 4 -ipady 4 grid configure $control -sticky nsew -pady 4 grid columnconfigure $w $mag -weight 1 grid rowconfigure $w 5 -weight 1 CreateGeneralConfigFrame $general CreateAccelConfigFrame $accel CreateGyroConfigFrame $gyro CreateMagConfigFrame $mag CreateControlConfigFrame $control ................................................................................ -textvariable ::CurrentValue($type,$z) \ -state readonly grid configure $w.xLabel $w.xValue $w.yLabel $w.yValue $w.zLabel $w.zValue x -sticky ew -padx 2 -pady 1 grid columnconfigure $w [list $w.xLabel $w.yLabel $w.zLabel] -uniform labels -weight 0 grid columnconfigure $w [list $w.xValue $w.yValue $w.zValue] -uniform values -weight 0 } proc LoadCurrentConfiguration {} { global UI global Configuration global CurrentValue foreach optionValue [$CurrentValue(handle) configure] { lassign $optionValue option default value ## ## Remove the leading - ## set index [string range $option 1 end] if {[info exists UI($index,map,label)]} { try { set value [dict get $UI($index,map,label) $value] } on error {errMsg errInfo} { puts "Error: $errMsg" puts "Error on $index for '$value'" } } set Configuration($index) $value } } ## ## Main Body ## set CurrentValue(handle) [dimu new] LoadCurrentConfiguration CreateGui trace add variable Configuration write ConfigurationChange trace add variable ::Configuration(operation) write ChangeMode |
> > > > > > > | > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > | | > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > | > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > | | | | | | | | > > > > > > > > | < < < < > > > > | > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > | > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > | | > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > < > | | | | | | | | | | | | | > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > | > > > > | > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > | < > > > > > > | < > > > > > | > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > | > | > > > | > | | | > > | > > > > > | | | | > > | > | > | > | > < < < > > | | | | < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < > | > > > > > |
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array set MagValues { range 2000dps digits 5 decimals 1 minChange 0.1 formatStr {%7.1} } array set GyroValues { digits 5 decimals 1 minChange 0.1 formatStr {%7.1} } array set Configuration { bus 1 dIMUaddress 0x28 } array set UI { InLoadCurrentConfiguration false operation,map,label { configmode "Configuration Mode" acconly "Accelerometer Only" magonly "Magnetometer Only" gyroonly "Gyroscope Only" accmag "Accelerometer and Magnetometer Only" accgyro "Accelerometer and Gyroscope Only" ................................................................................ ndof "9 Degrees of Freedom -- Fast Magnetometer Calibration On" } power,map,label { normal "Normal" low "Low" suspend "Suspend" } gyrorange,map,label { 2000dps "2,000 dps" 1000dps "1,000 dps" 500dps "500 dps" 250dps "250 dps" 125dps "125 dps" } configurationWidgets { } clocksource,map,label { internal "Internal" external "External" } temperaturesource,map,label { acc "Accelerometer" gyro "Gyroscope" } temperatureunits,map,label { c "C" f "F" } fusionunits,map,label { windows "Windows" android "Android" } eulunits,map,label { deg "Degrees" rad "Radians" } remap_x_sign,map,label { pos "Unchanged" neg "Inverse" } remap_y_sign,map,label { pos "Unchanged" neg "Inverse" } remap_z_sign,map,label { pos "Unchanged" neg "Inverse" } remap_x_axis,map,label { x "Unchanged" y "To Y" z "To Z" } remap_y_axis,map,label { x "To X" y "Unchanged" z "To Z" } remap_z_axis,map,label { x "To X" y "To Y" z "Unchanged" } } foreach key [array names UI "*,map,label"] { lassign [split $key ","] option set maxLabelSize -1 foreach {symbol label} $UI($key) { dict set UI($option,map,symbol) $label $symbol ................................................................................ ## ## Begin procedure definition section ## proc ChangeOperationMode {varName index op} { global UI global Configuration set mode [dict get $UI(operation,map,symbol) $Configuration(operation)] if {$mode ne "Configuration Mode"} { DisableConfigurationWidgets EnableTabs $mode } else { EnableConfigurationWidgets DisableTabs LoadCurrentConfiguration } } proc ClockSourceMode {widget varName index op} { global Configuration global UI set mode [dict get $UI(operation,map,symbol) $Configuration(operation)] if {$mode eq "Configuration Mode" && $Configuration($index)} { $widget configure -state normal } else { $widget configure -state disabled } } proc ConfigurationChange {varName index op} { global UI global CurrentValue upvar #0 $varName configuration if {$UI(InLoadCurrentConfiguration)} { return } set value $configuration($index) if {$index eq "refreshRate"} { return } elseif {[info exists UI($index,map,symbol)]} { set value [dict get $UI($index,map,symbol) $value] } $CurrentValue(handle) configure -$index $value } proc DisableConfigurationWidgets {} { global UI foreach widget $UI(configurationWidgets) { $widget configure -state disabled } } proc EnableConfigurationWidgets {} { global UI foreach widget $UI(configurationWidgets) { if {[winfo class $widget eq "TCombobox"]} { $widget configure -state readonly } else { $widget configure -state normal } } } proc ChangeFormat {varName index op} { upvar #0 $varName configuration set digits $configuration(digits) set decimals $configuration(decimals) incr digits 1 incr digits $decimals set configuration(fmtStr) "%${digits}.${decimals}f" } proc DisableTabs {} { global UI set notebook $UI(mainNotebook) foreach {tab widget} [array get UI {main,*}] { $notebook tab $widget -state disabled } $notebook tab $UI(main,configuration) -state normal $notebook select $UI(main,configuration) } proc EnableTabs {mode} { global UI DisableTabs set notebook $UI(mainNotebook) switch -exact -- $mode { configmode - ................................................................................ } imu - compass - m4g - ndof_fmc_off - ndof { foreach {tab widget} [array get UI {main,*}] { $notebook tab $widget -state normal } } } } proc ReadGyro {} { global CurrentValue global GyroValues ## ## Read the gyroscope ## set currentReadings [$CurrentValue(handle) readGyro] set formatStr $GyroValues(formatStr) set x [format $formatStr [dict get $currentReadings x]] set y [format $formatStr [dict get $currentReadings z]] set z [format $formatStr [dict get $currentReadings z]] set minChange $GyroValues(minChange if {abs($x - $CurrentValue(gyroscope,x)) > $minChange || abs($y - $CurrentValue(gyroscope,y)) > $minChange || abs($z - $CurrentValue(gyroscope,z)) > $minChange } { LogValues $x $y $z ## ................................................................................ set CurrentValue(gyroscope,x) $x set CurrentValue(gyroscope,y) $y set CurrentValue(gyroscope,z) $z } return } proc ReadTemperature {} { set ::GeneralValues(temperature) [format {%5.1f} [dict get [$::CurrentValue(handle) readTemperature] temperature]] return } proc RunSelfTest {} { $::CurrentValue(handle) runSelfTest } proc LogValues {type} { variable WidgetData variable CurrentValue #if {[info exists CurrentValue(logId)]} { # after cancel $CurrentValue(logId) ................................................................................ set x $CurrentValue($type,x) set y $CurrentValue($type,y) set z $CurrentValue($type,z) $WidgetData($type,history) insert {} end -values [list $timeStamp $x $y $z] } proc StartReading {} { global CurrentValue .main.controls.buttons.start configure -state disabled .main.controls.buttons.stop configure -state normal StartGyro $CurrentValue(handle) $range ReadGyro } ................................................................................ if {[info exists CurrentValue(logId)]} { after cancel $CurrentValue(logId) } .main.controls.buttons.start configure -state normal .main.controls.buttons.stop configure -state disabled } proc LoadCurrentConfiguration {} { global UI global Configuration global CurrentValue set UI(InLoadCurrentConfiguration) true foreach optionValue [$CurrentValue(handle) configure] { lassign $optionValue option default value ## ## Remove the leading - ## set index [string range $option 1 end] if {[info exists UI($index,map,label)]} { try { set value [dict get $UI($index,map,label) $value] } on error {errMsg errInfo} { puts "Error: $errMsg" puts "Error on $index for '$value'" } } set Configuration($index) $value } set UI(InLoadCurrentConfiguration) false } proc SaveConfigurationToFile {} { global Configuration set fn [tk_getSaveFile \ -confirmoverwrite yes \ -defaultextension .cfg \ -initialdir [file normalize ~] \ -parent . \ -title "Save Configuration" \ ] if {$fn ne {}} { set ofd [open $fn w] try { puts $ofd [array get Configuration] } finally { close $ofd } } } proc LoadConfigurationFromFile {} { global Configuration global UI set fn [tk_getOpenFile \ -defaultextension .cfg \ -initialdir [file normalize ~] \ -multiple no \ -parent . \ -title "Restore Configuration" \ ] set ifd [open $fn r] set tempDict [read $ifd] close $ifd ## ## Save desired operation mode ## set newMode [dict get $tempDict operation] ## ## Remove readonly options ## foreach option {bus dIMUaddress operation uniqueID softwareRev bootloaderRev mcuSelfTest gyroSelfTest magSelfTest accelSelfTest sysCalStatus accCalStatus gyrCalStatus magCalStatus sysStatus sysError clockStatus} { dict unset tempDict $option } ## ## Load the new configuration ## set Configuration(operation) "Configuration Mode" array set Configuration $tempDict set Configuration(operation) $newMode } proc ResetInterrupts {} { $::CurrentValue(handle) reset interrupts } proc ResetSystem {} { $::CurrentValue(handle) reset system } ## ## GUI Creation Routines ## proc RemoveClassBindings {widget} { bindtags $widget [lreplace [bindtags $widget] 1 1] return; } proc CreateGui {} { global UI wm title . "dIMU Gyroscope Example" menu .menuBar . configure -menu .menuBar menu .menuBar.configuration .menuBar add cascade \ -menu .menuBar.configuration \ -label "Configuration" .menuBar.configuration add command \ -command SaveConfigurationToFile \ -label "Save Configuration..." .menuBar.configuration add command \ -command LoadConfigurationFromFile \ -label "Restore Configuration..." .menuBar.configuration add separator .menuBar.configuration add command \ -command LoadCurrentConfiguration \ -label "Load from Device" set UI(mainNotebook) [ttk::notebook .main] grid configure .main -sticky nsew grid columnconfigure . .main -weight 1 grid rowconfigure . .main -weight 1 set UI(main,configuration) [ttk::frame .main.configuration] .main add .main.configuration -text {Configuration} ................................................................................ proc CreateGeneralConfigFrame {general} { ## ## General Configuration group ## ttk::label $general.busLbl \ -text {I2C Bus:} ttk::combobox $general.busCMB \ -textvariable ::Configuration(bus) \ -values [list 1] \ -state disabled ttk::label $general.addrLbl \ -text {iDMU Address:} ttk::entry $general.addrEnt \ -width 5 \ -textvariable ::Configuration(dIMUaddress) \ -state readonly ttk::label $general.uuidLbl \ -text {Unique ID:} ttk::entry $general.uuidEnt \ -textvariable ::Configuration(uniqueID) \ -state readonly ttk::label $general.softwareRevLbl \ -text {Software Rev.:} ttk::entry $general.softwareRevEnt \ -textvariable ::Configuration(softwareRev) \ -state readonly ttk::label $general.bootloaderRevLbl \ -text {Bootloader Rev.:} ttk::entry $general.bootloaderRevEnt \ -textvariable ::Configuration(bootloaderRev) \ -state readonly ttk::label $general.rateLbl1 \ -text {Refresh Rate:} ttk::spinbox $general.rateEnt \ -from 50.0 \ -to 500.0 \ -increment 10.0 \ -format {%3.0f} \ -wrap no \ -command [format {set ::Configuration(refreshRate) [expr {entier([%1$s get])}]} $general.rateEnt] ttk::label $general.rateLbl2 \ -text { in microseconds} ttk::label $general.operLbl1 \ -text {Operational Mode} ttk::combobox $general.operCMB \ -textvariable ::Configuration(operation) \ -values [dict keys $::UI(operation,map,symbol)] \ -width $::UI(operation,maxLabelSize) \ -state readonly ttk::label $general.pwrLbl1 \ -text {Power Mode} ttk::combobox $general.pwrCMB \ -textvariable ::Configuration(power) \ -values [dict keys $::UI(power,map,symbol)] \ -width $::UI(power,maxLabelSize) \ -state readonly lappend UI(configurationWidgets) $general.pwrCMB ttk::labelframe $general.selfTest \ -text {Self Test Results} ttk::checkbutton $general.selfTest.mcuVal \ -text {Microcontroler} \ -variable ::Configuration(mcuSelfTest) ttk::checkbutton $general.selfTest.accVal \ -text {Accelerometer} \ -variable ::Configuration(accelSelfTest) ttk::checkbutton $general.selfTest.gyroVal \ -text {Gyroscope} \ -variable ::Configuration(gyroSelfTest) ttk::checkbutton $general.selfTest.magVal \ -text {Magnetometer} \ -variable ::Configuration(magSelfTest) foreach widget {mcuVal accVal gyroVal magVal} { RemoveClassBindings $general.selfTest.$widget } ttk::frame $general.selfTest.btn ttk::button $general.selfTest.btn.runSelfTest \ -text {Run Self Tests} \ -command RunSelfTest lappend UI(configurationWidgets) $general.selfTest.runSelfTest ttk::label $general.calibrationLbl \ -text {Calibration Status:} ttk::entry $general.calibrationVal \ -textvariable ::Configuration(sysCalStatus) \ -state readonly ttk::label $general.sysStatusLbl \ -text {System Status:} ttk::entry $general.sysStatusVal \ -textvariable ::Configuration(sysStatus) \ -state readonly ttk::label $general.sysErrorLbl \ -text {System Error:} ttk::entry $general.sysErrorVal \ -textvariable ::Configuration(sysError) \ -state readonly ttk::checkbutton $general.clockStatusVal \ -text {Clock Configurable} \ -variable ::Configuration(clockStatus) RemoveClassBindings $general.clockStatusVal ttk::label $general.clockSourceLbl \ -text {Clock Source} ttk::combobox $general.clockSourceVal \ -textvariable ::Configuration(clocksource) \ -values [dict keys $::UI(clocksource,map,symbol)] \ -width $::UI(clocksource,maxLabelSize) trace add variable ::Configuration(clockStatus) write [list ClockSourceMode $general.clockSourceVal] after 1 [list ClockSourceMode $general.clockSourceVal Configuration clockStatus write] ttk::labelframe $general.temp \ -text {Temperature} ttk::entry $general.temp.value \ -justify right \ -width 6 \ -textvariable ::GeneralValues(temperature) \ -state readonly bind $general.temp.value <Double-Button-1> ReadTemperature ttk::combobox $general.temp.unitsCMB \ -textvariable :::Configuration(temperatureunits) \ -values [dict keys $::UI(temperatureunits,map,symbol)] \ -width $::UI(temperatureunits,maxLabelSize) ttk::label $general.temp.sourceLbl \ -text {from} ttk::combobox $general.temp.sourceCMB \ -textvariable :::Configuration(temperaturesource) \ -values [dict keys $::UI(temperaturesource,map,symbol)] \ -width $::UI(temperaturesource,maxLabelSize) lappend UI(configurationWidgets) $general.temp.unitsCMB $general.temp.sourceCMB ttk::label $general.fusionLbl \ -text {Fusion Unit Type:} ttk::combobox $general.fusionCMB \ -textvariable :::Configuration(fusionunits) \ -values [dict keys $::UI(fusionunits,map,symbol)] \ -width $::UI(fusionunits,maxLabelSize) ttk::label $general.eulUnitsLbl \ -text {Fusion Unit Type:} ttk::combobox $general.eulUnitsCMB \ -textvariable :::Configuration(eulunits) \ -values [dict keys $::UI(eulunits,map,symbol)] \ -width $::UI(eulunits,maxLabelSize) lappend UI(configurationWidgets) $general.fusionCMB $general.eulUnitsCMB ttk::frame $general.remap ttk::label $general.remap.xLbl -text {X} -anchor c ttk::label $general.remap.yLbl -text {Y} -anchor c ttk::label $general.remap.zLbl -text {Z} -anchor c ttk::label $general.remap.signLbl -text {Remap Sign} ttk::label $general.remap.axisLbl -text {Remap Axis} ttk::combobox $general.remap.xSignCMB \ -textvariable :::Configuration(remap_x_sign) \ -values [dict keys $::UI(remap_x_sign,map,symbol)] \ -width $::UI(remap_x_sign,maxLabelSize) ttk::combobox $general.remap.ySignCMB \ -textvariable :::Configuration(remap_y_sign) \ -values [dict keys $::UI(remap_y_sign,map,symbol)] \ -width $::UI(remap_y_sign,maxLabelSize) ttk::combobox $general.remap.zSignCMB \ -textvariable :::Configuration(remap_x_sign) \ -values [dict keys $::UI(remap_z_sign,map,symbol)] \ -width $::UI(remap_z_sign,maxLabelSize) ttk::combobox $general.remap.xAxisCMB \ -textvariable :::Configuration(remap_x_axis) \ -values [dict keys $::UI(remap_x_axis,map,symbol)] \ -width $::UI(remap_x_axis,maxLabelSize) ttk::combobox $general.remap.yAxisCMB \ -textvariable :::Configuration(remap_y_axis) \ -values [dict keys $::UI(remap_y_axis,map,symbol)] \ -width $::UI(remap_y_axis,maxLabelSize) ttk::combobox $general.remap.zAxisCMB \ -textvariable :::Configuration(remap_x_axis) \ -values [dict keys $::UI(remap_z_axis,map,symbol)] \ -width $::UI(remap_z_axis,maxLabelSize) lappend UI(configurationWidgets) $general.remap.xSignCMB $general.remap.ySignCMB $general.remap.zSignCMB lappend UI(configurationWidgets) $general.remap.xAxisCMB $general.remap.yAxisCMB $general.remap.zAxisCMB ttk::frame $general.buttons ttk::button $general.buttons.resetInterrupt \ -text "Reset Interrupts" \ -command ResetInterrupts ttk::button $general.buttons.resetSystem\ -text "Reset System" \ -command ResetSystem grid configure $general.busLbl $general.busCMB $general.addrLbl $general.addrEnt -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky ew grid configure $general.uuidLbl $general.uuidEnt - - -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky ew grid configure $general.softwareRevLbl $general.softwareRevEnt $general.bootloaderRevLbl $general.bootloaderRevEnt -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky ew grid configure $general.sysStatusLbl $general.sysStatusVal $general.sysErrorLbl $general.sysErrorVal -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky ew grid configure $general.calibrationLbl $general.calibrationVal x x -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky ew grid configure $general.clockStatusVal - $general.clockSourceLbl $general.clockSourceVal -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky ew grid configure $general.selfTest - - - -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky ew grid configure $general.rateLbl1 $general.rateEnt $general.rateLbl2 x -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky ew grid configure $general.operLbl1 $general.operCMB $general.pwrLbl1 $general.pwrCMB -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky ew grid configure $general.temp - - - -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky ew grid configure $general.fusionLbl $general.fusionCMB $general.eulUnitsLbl $general.eulUnitsCMB -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky ew grid configure $general.remap - - - -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky ew grid configure $general.buttons - - - -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky ew grid columnconfigure $general {1 3} -weight 1 grid configure x $general.selfTest.mcuVal x $general.selfTest.accVal x $general.selfTest.gyroVal x $general.selfTest.magVal x -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky ew grid configure $general.selfTest.btn -columnspan 9 -sticky nsew grid configure x $general.selfTest.btn.runSelfTest x -sticky ew grid columnconfigure $general.selfTest.btn {0 3} -weight 1 grid columnconfigure $general.selfTest {0 2 4 6 8} -weight 1 grid columnconfigure $general.selfTest {1 3 5 7} -uniform selftests grid configure $general.temp.value $general.temp.unitsCMB $general.temp.sourceLbl $general.temp.sourceCMB -padx 2 -pady 2 grid configure x $general.remap.xLbl $general.remap.yLbl $general.remap.zLbl -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky ew grid configure $general.remap.signLbl $general.remap.xSignCMB $general.remap.ySignCMB $general.remap.zSignCMB -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky ew grid configure $general.remap.axisLbl $general.remap.xAxisCMB $general.remap.yAxisCMB $general.remap.zAxisCMB -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky ew grid configure x $general.buttons.resetInterrupt x $general.buttons.resetSystem x -sticky ew grid columnconfigure $general.buttons {0 2 4} -weight 1 grid columnconfigure $general.buttons {1 3} -uniform buttons $general.rateEnt set 50.0 } proc CreateAccelConfigFrame {accel} { ## ## Accelerometer group ## ttk::label $accel.rangeLbl \ -text {Range:} ttk::combobox $accel.rangeCMB \ -textvariable ::Configuration(accelrange) \ -values [list 250dps 500dps 2000dps] \ -state readonly lappend UI(configurationWidgets) $accel.rangeCMB ttk::label $accel.numDigitsLbl \ -text {Digits before decimal} ttk::combobox $accel.numDigitsCMB \ -textvariable ::AccelValues(digits) \ -values [list 3 4] \ -state readonly ttk::label $accel.numDecimalsLbl \ ................................................................................ -to 200.0 \ -increment 0.1 \ -format {%5.1f} \ -wrap no \ -textvariable ::AccelValues(minChange) ttk::label $accel.minChangeLbl2 \ -text {dps change} trace add variable ::AccelValues(digits) write ChangeFormat trace add variable ::AccelValues(decimals) write ChangeFormat # Add ACC units # Add Self Test status # Add Calibration status # Add Unit Select # Add offsets # Add radius # Add Acc No Motion Interrupt Status ................................................................................ proc CreateGyroConfigFrame {gyro} { ## ## Gyrometer ## ttk::label $gyro.rangeLbl \ -text {Range:} ttk::combobox $gyro.rangeCMB \ -textvariable ::Configuration(gyrorange) \ -values [list 250dps 500dps 2000dps] \ -state readonly lappend UI(configurationWidgets) $gyro.rangeCMB ttk::label $gyro.numDigitsLbl \ -text {Digits before decimal} ttk::combobox $gyro.numDigitsCMB \ -textvariable ::GyroValues(digits) \ -values [list 3 4] \ -state readonly ttk::label $gyro.numDecimalsLbl \ -text {Digits after decimal} ttk::combobox $gyro.numDecimalsCMB \ -textvariable ::GyroValues(decimals) \ -values [list 1 2 3 4] \ -state readonly ttk::label $gyro.minChangeLbl1 \ -text {Ignore less than} ttk::spinbox $gyro.minChangeEnt \ -from 0.1 \ -to 200.0 \ -increment 0.1 \ -format {%5.1f} \ -wrap no \ -textvariable ::GyroValues(minChange) ttk::label $gyro.minChangeLbl2 \ -text {dps change} trace add variable ::GyroValues(digits) write ChangeFormat trace add variable ::GyroValues(decimals) write ChangeFormat # Add Self Test status # Add Calibration status # Add Unit Select # Add offsets # Add Gyro High Rate Interrupt Status # Add Gyro Any Motion Interrupt Status # Add Gyro Any Motion Threashold ................................................................................ proc CreateMagConfigFrame {mag} { ## ## Magnetometer group ## ttk::label $mag.rangeLbl \ -text {Range:} ttk::combobox $mag.rangeCMB \ -textvariable ::Configuration(magrange) \ -values [list 250dps 500dps 2000dps] \ -state readonly lappend UI(configurationWidgets) $mag.rangeCMB ttk::label $mag.numDigitsLbl \ -text {Digits before decimal} ttk::combobox $mag.numDigitsCMB \ -textvariable ::MagValues(digits) \ -values [list 3 4] \ -state readonly ttk::label $mag.numDecimalsLbl \ ................................................................................ -to 200.0 \ -increment 0.1 \ -format {%5.1f} \ -wrap no \ -textvariable ::MagValues(minChange) ttk::label $mag.minChangeLbl2 \ -text {dps change} trace add variable ::MagValues(digits) write ChangeFormat trace add variable ::MagValues(decimals) write ChangeFormat # Add Self Test status # Add Calibration status # Add Unit Select # Add offsets # Add radius # Add Mag Power Mode # Add Mag Operation Mode ................................................................................ -command StopReading grid configure x $control.start x $control.stop x -sticky ew grid columnconfigure $control {0 2 4} -weight 1 } proc CreateConfigurationFrame {w} { set nb $w.nb set general $w.nb.gen set accel $w.nb.acc set gyro $w.nb.gyro set mag $w.nb.mag set control $w.controls ttk::notebook $nb ttk::frame $general $nb add $general \ -text "General" ttk::frame $accel $nb add $accel \ -text "Accelerometer" ttk::frame $gyro $nb add $gyro \ -text "Gyrometer" ttk::frame $mag $nb add $mag \ -text "Magnetometer" ttk::frame $control grid configure $nb -sticky nsew -pady 2 -padx 4 -ipady 4 grid configure $control -sticky ew -pady 4 grid columnconfigure $w $nb -weight 1 grid rowconfigure $w $nb -weight 1 CreateGeneralConfigFrame $general CreateAccelConfigFrame $accel CreateGyroConfigFrame $gyro CreateMagConfigFrame $mag CreateControlConfigFrame $control ................................................................................ -textvariable ::CurrentValue($type,$z) \ -state readonly grid configure $w.xLabel $w.xValue $w.yLabel $w.yValue $w.zLabel $w.zValue x -sticky ew -padx 2 -pady 1 grid columnconfigure $w [list $w.xLabel $w.yLabel $w.zLabel] -uniform labels -weight 0 grid columnconfigure $w [list $w.xValue $w.yValue $w.zValue] -uniform values -weight 0 } ## ## Main Body ## set CurrentValue(handle) [dimu new] LoadCurrentConfiguration ReadTemperature CreateGui trace add variable Configuration write ConfigurationChange trace add variable Configuration(operation) write ChangeOperationMode ChangeOperationMode Configuration operation write ## ## Go into the event loop ## |
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## NOTE -- in the Data Sheet, PAGE_ID is colored as read only but the textual ## description in section 4.2 explicitly states it is used to switch ## between pages. ## array set Registers { main,chipId {0 0x00 b} acc,chipId {0 0x01 b} mag,chipId {0 0x02 b} gyro,chipId {0 0x03 b} sw,rev {0 0x04 w} bl,rev {0 0x06 b} page {0 0x07 b} acc,data,x {0 0x08 W} acc,data,y {0 0x0a W} acc,data,z {0 0x0c W} mag,data,x {0 0x0e W} ................................................................................ gyr,am,thresh {1 0x1f b 6:0} gyr,am,slope {1 0x1f b 1:0} gyr,am,durr {1 0x1f b 3:2} uniqueId {1 0x50 m 16} } array set Constants { CALIB_STAT,0 false CALIB_STAT,1 unknown CALIB_STAT,2 unknown CALIB_STAT,3 true SYS_STATUS,1 {System Error} SYS_STATUS,2 {Initializing peripherals} SYS_STATUS,3 {System Initialization} SYS_STATUS,4 {Executing selftest} SYS_STATUS,5 {Sensor fusion algorithm running} SYS_STATUS,6 {System running without fusion algorithm} SYS_ERROR,0 {No error} SYS_ERROR,1 {Peripheral initialization error} SYS_ERROR,2 {System initialization error} SYS_ERROR,3 {Self test result failed} SYS_ERROR,4 {Register map value out of range} SYS_ERROR,5 {Register map address out of range} SYS_ERROR,6 {Register map write error} SYS_ERROR,7 {BNO low power mode not available for selected operation mode} SYS_ERROR,8 {Accelerometer power mode not available} SYS_ERROR,9 {Fusion algorithm configuration error} SYS_ERROR,10 {Sensor configuration error} } proc SymDef {type symbolic value} { variable Constants set binaryValue [format %b $value] set Constants($type,$binaryValue) ${type}_${symbolic} set Constants(CONST,${type}_${symbolic}) $value } SymDef ORI_MODE WINDOWS 0 SymDef ORI_MODE ANDROID 1 SymDef TEMP_UNIT C 0 SymDef TEMP_UNIT F 1 SymDef EUL_UNIT DEG 0 SymDef EUL_UNIT RAD 1 SymDef GRY_UNIT DPS 0 ................................................................................ SymDef OPER_MODE M4G 0b1010 SymDef OPER_MODE NDOF_FMC_OFF 0b1011 SymDef OPER_MODE NDOF 0b1100 SymDef PWR_MODE NORMAL 0b00 SymDef PWR_MODE LOW 0b01 SymDef PWR_MODE SUSPEND 0b10 SymDef TEMP_SRC ACC 0 SymDef TEMP_SRC GRY 1 SymDef REMAP_TO X 0b00 SymDef REMAP_TO Y 0b01 SymDef REMAP_TO Z 0b10 SymDef REMAP_SIGN POS 0 SymDef REMAP_SIGN NEG 1 SymDef ACC_RANGE 2G 0b00 SymDef ACC_RANGE 4G 0b01 SymDef ACC_RANGE 8G 0b10 SymDef ACC_RANGE 16G 0b11 SymDef ACC_BANDWIDTH 7.81HZ 0b000 SymDef ACC_BANDWIDTH 15.63HZ 0b001 SymDef ACC_BANDWIDTH 31.25HZ 0b010 ................................................................................ set ucSymbol [string toupper $symbolic] return $Constants(CONST,$ucSymbol) } proc getValue2 {type symbol} { variable Constants set ucType [string toupper $type] return $Constants(CONST,${ucType}_${symbol}) } proc getSymbol {type value} { variable Constants set binaryValue [format %b $value] set ucType [string toupper $type] |
| | < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < > | > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > | > > | | |
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## NOTE -- in the Data Sheet, PAGE_ID is colored as read only but the textual ## description in section 4.2 explicitly states it is used to switch ## between pages. ## array set Registers { main,chipId {0 0x00 b} acc,chipId {0 0x01 b} mag,chipId {0 0x02 b 6:0} gyro,chipId {0 0x03 b 6:0} sw,rev {0 0x04 w} bl,rev {0 0x06 b} page {0 0x07 b} acc,data,x {0 0x08 W} acc,data,y {0 0x0a W} acc,data,z {0 0x0c W} mag,data,x {0 0x0e W} ................................................................................ gyr,am,thresh {1 0x1f b 6:0} gyr,am,slope {1 0x1f b 1:0} gyr,am,durr {1 0x1f b 3:2} uniqueId {1 0x50 m 16} } proc SymDef {type symbolic value} { variable Constants set binaryValue [format %b $value] set ucSymbol [string toupper ${type}_${symbolic}] set Constants($type,$binaryValue) ${type}_${symbolic} set Constants(CONST,$ucSymbol) $value } SymDef CALIB_STAT {Not Calibrated} 0 SymDef CALIB_STAT {In progress} 1 SymDef CALIB_STAT {In progress} 2 SymDef CALIB_STAT {Calibration Complete} 3 SymDef SYS_STATUS {System Idle} 0 SymDef SYS_STATUS {System Error} 1 SymDef SYS_STATUS {Initializing peripherals} 2 SymDef SYS_STATUS {System Initialization} 3 SymDef SYS_STATUS {Executing selftest} 4 SymDef SYS_STATUS {Sensor fusion algorithm running} 5 SymDef SYS_STATUS {System running without fusion algorithm} 6 SymDef SYS_ERROR {No error} 0 SymDef SYS_ERROR {Peripheral initialization error} 1 SymDef SYS_ERROR {System initialization error} 2 SymDef SYS_ERROR {Self test result failed} 3 SymDef SYS_ERROR {Register map value out of range} 4 SymDef SYS_ERROR {Register map address out of range} 5 SymDef SYS_ERROR {Register map write error} 6 SymDef SYS_ERROR {BNO low power mode not available for selected operation mode} 7 SymDef SYS_ERROR {Accelerometer power mode not available} 8 SymDef SYS_ERROR {Fusion algorithm configuration error} 9 SymDef SYS_ERROR {Sensor configuration error} 10 SymDef ORI_MODE WINDOWS 0 SymDef ORI_MODE ANDROID 1 SymDef TEMP_UNIT C 0 SymDef TEMP_UNIT F 1 SymDef EUL_UNIT DEG 0 SymDef EUL_UNIT RAD 1 SymDef GRY_UNIT DPS 0 ................................................................................ SymDef OPER_MODE M4G 0b1010 SymDef OPER_MODE NDOF_FMC_OFF 0b1011 SymDef OPER_MODE NDOF 0b1100 SymDef PWR_MODE NORMAL 0b00 SymDef PWR_MODE LOW 0b01 SymDef PWR_MODE SUSPEND 0b10 SymDef TEMP_SRC ACC 0 SymDef TEMP_SRC GYRO 1 SymDef REMAP_TO X 0b00 SymDef REMAP_TO Y 0b01 SymDef REMAP_TO Z 0b10 SymDef REMAP_SIGN POS 0 SymDef REMAP_SIGN NEG 1 SymDef CLOCK_SOURCE INTERNAL 0 SymDef CLOCK_SOURCE EXTERNAL 1 SymDef ACC_RANGE 2G 0b00 SymDef ACC_RANGE 4G 0b01 SymDef ACC_RANGE 8G 0b10 SymDef ACC_RANGE 16G 0b11 SymDef ACC_BANDWIDTH 7.81HZ 0b000 SymDef ACC_BANDWIDTH 15.63HZ 0b001 SymDef ACC_BANDWIDTH 31.25HZ 0b010 ................................................................................ set ucSymbol [string toupper $symbolic] return $Constants(CONST,$ucSymbol) } proc getValue2 {type symbol} { variable Constants set ucSymbol [string toupper ${type}_${symbol}] return $Constants(CONST,$ucSymbol) } proc getSymbol {type value} { variable Constants set binaryValue [format %b $value] set ucType [string toupper $type] |
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::ooutil::singleton create dimu { #self mixin singleton self method init {} { variable HardwiredSettings variable ConfigurationRegisters variable OptionDef set OptionDef { -bus {-default 1} -power {-register powerMode -allowed {normal low suspend} -type PWR_MODE} -operation {-register operMode -immediate yes -allowed {configmode acconly magonly gyroonly accmag accgyro maggyro amg imu compass m4g ndof_fmc_off ndof} -type OPER_MODE} -gryorange {-register gyr,range -allowed {2000dps 1000dps 500dps 250dps 125dps} -type GRY_RANGE} -gryobandwidth {-register gyr,bandwidth -allowed {523hz 230hz 116hz 64hz 47hz 32hz 23hz 12hz} -type GRY_BANDWIDTH} -gyropowermode {-register gyr,pwrMode -allowed {normal fast_up deep_suspend suspend advanced_powersave} -type GRY_POWER_MODE} -gyrounits {-register gyr,units -allowed {dps rps} -type GRY_UNIT} -gryoautosleep {-register gyr,autoSlpDur -allowed {4MS 5MS 8MS 10MS 15MS 20MS 40MS} -type GRY_AUTOSLP_DURR} -gryosleep {-register gyr,sleepDur -allowed {4MS 5MS 8MS 10MS 15MS 18MS 20MS} -type GRY_SLEEP_DURR} -gryoawake {-register gyr,am,durr -allowed {8samples 16samples 32samples 64samples} -type GYR_AWAKE_DURR} -gryoslope {-register gyr,am,slope} -gryoxoffset {-register gyr,x,offset} -gryoyoffset {-register gyr,y,offset} -gryozoffset {-register gyr,z,offset} } set HardwiredSettings { address 0x28 } set ConfigurationRegisters { ................................................................................ } ::oo::objdefine [self] deletemethod init } method ProcessArgs {inputArgs classArgsDict} { variable instanceInfo set unprocessedArgs {} array set missingRequiredArr {} if {![info exists instanceInfo]} { set instanceInfo {} ................................................................................ method ReadCurrentConfiguration {} { variable instanceInfo variable currentConfiguration classvariable ConfigurationRegisters set currentConfiguration [bno055 readMultipleRegisters [dict get $instanceInfo handle] $ConfigurationRegisters] } constructor {args} { variable instanceInfo classvariable OptionDef classvariable HardwiredSettings variable currentConfiguration set remainingArgs [my ProcessArgs $args $OptionDef] ................................................................................ ## ## Close the handle to the device ## close [dict get $instanceInfo handle] } method cget {option} { variable instanceInfo classvariable OptionDef variable currentConfiguration if {[dict exists $instanceInfo options $option]} { return [dict get $instanceInfo options $option] } elseif {[dict exists $instanceInfo legalOption $option]} { set optionDict [dict get $OptionDef $option] set register [dict get $optionDict -register] set value [dict get $currentConfiguration $register] if {[dict exists $optionDict -type]} { set type [dict get $optionDict -type] set value [string tolower [bno055 getShortSymbol $type $value]] } return $value } else { set legalOptions [dict keys [dict get $instanceInfo legalOption]] throw [list TK LOOKUP OPTION $option] "unknown option \"$option\" -- legal options are: [join $legalOptions {,}]" } } method configure {args} { variable instanceInfo classvariable OptionDef variable currentConfiguration set argLen [llength $args] if {$argLen == 0} { set returnList {} foreach option [lsort -dictionary [dict keys [dict get $instanceInfo legalOption]]] { ## ................................................................................ } else { set optionDict [dict get $OptionDef $option] set register [dict get $optionDict -register] set value [dict get $currentConfiguration $register] if {[dict exists $optionDict -type]} { set type [dict get $optionDict -type] set value [string tolower [bno055 getShortSymbol $type $value]] } set itemList [list $option {} $value] } lappend returnList $itemList } return $returnList } elseif {$argLen == 1} { set option [lindex $args 0] return [my cget $option] } elseif {($argLen % 2) == 0} { set configureList {} set immediateList {} foreach {option value} $args { if {[dict exists $instanceInfo options $option]} { dict set instanceInfo options $option $value } elseif {[dict exists $OptionDef $option -register]} { if {![string is entier $value]} { set value [bno055 getValue2 [dict get $OptionDef $option -type] $value] } set register [dict get $OptionDef $option -register] dict set currentConfiguration $register $value if {[dict exists $OptionDef $option -immediate] && [dict get $OptionDef $option -immediate]} { lappend immediateList [list $register $value] } else { lappend configureList $register $value } } else { set legalOptions [dict keys [dict get $instanceInfo options]] throw [list LOOKUP OPTION $option] "unknown option \"$option\" -- legal options are: [join $legalOptions {,}]" } } set handle [dict get $instanceInfo handle] if {[llength $configureList]} { bno055 writeRegister $handle operMode [bno055 getValue2 OPER_MODE CONFIGMODE] foreach item $configureList { bno055 writeRegister $handle {*}$item } bno055 writeRegister $handle operMode [dict get $currentConfiguration operMode] } if {[llength $immediateList]} { foreach item $immediateList { bno055 writeRegister $handle {*}$item } } } return; } method readGyro {} { variable instanceInfo variable currentConfiguration set operMode [string range [bno055 getSymbol OPER_MODE [dict get $currentConfiguration operMode]] 9 end] if {$operMode in {CONFIGMODE ACCONLY MAGONLY COMPASS M4G}} { throw [list DIMU SENDIS $operMode] "Gryoscope reading are not availble when dIMU is in '$operMode' mode." } set results {} set readings [bno055 readMultipleRegisters [dict get $instanceInfo handle] {gyr,data,x gyr,data,y gyr,data,z}] set range [bno055 getSymbol GRY_RANGE [dict get $currentConfiguration gyr,range]] switch -exact -- $range { GRY_RANGE_125DPS { ................................................................................ dict set results units rps set divisor [expr {$divsor * 900 / 16}] } dict set results x [expr {[dict get $readings gyr,data,x] / $divisor}] dict set results y [expr {[dict get $readings gyr,data,y] / $divisor}] dict set results z [expr {[dict get $readings gyr,data,z] / $divisor}] } } dimu init |
> | | | | | | | | | > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > | | | | | < > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > | > > > > > > > > > > > > > | > | | > > > | < < | | | | | | | > > > | > > > > > > > > > | > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > |
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 ... 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 ... 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 ... 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 ... 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 ... 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 |
::ooutil::singleton create dimu { #self mixin singleton self method init {} { variable HardwiredSettings variable ConfigurationRegisters variable OptionDef variable ReadOnly set OptionDef { -bus {-default 1} -power {-register powerMode -allowed {normal low suspend} -type PWR_MODE} -operation {-register operMode -immediate yes -allowed {configmode acconly magonly gyroonly accmag accgyro maggyro amg imu compass m4g ndof_fmc_off ndof} -type OPER_MODE} -gyrorange {-register gyr,range -allowed {2000dps 1000dps 500dps 250dps 125dps} -type GRY_RANGE} -gyrobandwidth {-register gyr,bandwidth -allowed {523hz 230hz 116hz 64hz 47hz 32hz 23hz 12hz} -type GRY_BANDWIDTH} -gyropowermode {-register gyr,pwrMode -allowed {normal fast_up deep_suspend suspend advanced_powersave} -type GRY_POWER_MODE} -gyrounits {-register gyr,units -allowed {dps rps} -type GRY_UNIT} -gyroautosleep {-register gyr,autoSlpDur -allowed {4MS 5MS 8MS 10MS 15MS 20MS 40MS} -type GRY_AUTOSLP_DURR} -gyrosleep {-register gyr,sleepDur -allowed {4MS 5MS 8MS 10MS 15MS 18MS 20MS} -type GRY_SLEEP_DURR} -gyroawake {-register gyr,am,durr -allowed {8samples 16samples 32samples 64samples} -type GYR_AWAKE_DURR} -gyroslope {-register gyr,am,slope} -gyroxoffset {-register gyr,x,offset} -gyroyoffset {-register gyr,y,offset} -gyrozoffset {-register gyr,z,offset} -clocksource {-register clockSource -type CLOCK_SOURCE} -temperaturesource {-register tempSource -type TEMP_SRC} -temperatureunits {-register temp,units -type TEMP_UNIT} -fusionunits {-register format,opt -type ORI_MODE} -eulunits {-register eul,units -type EUL_UNIT} -remap_x_sign {-register remap,x,sign -type REMAP_SIGN} -remap_y_sign {-register remap,y,sign -type REMAP_SIGN} -remap_z_sign {-register remap,z,sign -type REMAP_SIGN} -remap_x_axis {-register remap,x,value -type REMAP_TO} -remap_y_axis {-register remap,y,value -type REMAP_TO} -remap_z_axis {-register remap,z,value -type REMAP_TO} } set ReadOnly { -uniqueID {-register uniqueId} -softwareRev {-register sw,rev -format "0x%1$x"} -bootloaderRev {-register bl,rev -format "0x%1$x"} -mcuSelfTest {-register mcu,selftest} -gyroSelfTest {-register gyr,selftest} -magSelfTest {-register mag,selftest} -accelSelfTest {-register acc,selftest} -sysCalStatus {-register sys,cab,status -msg CALIB_STAT} -accCalStatus {-register acc,cab,status -msg CALIB_STAT} -gyrCalStatus {-register gyr,cab,status -msg CALIB_STAT} -magCalStatus {-register mag,cab,status -msg CALIB_STAT} -sysStatus {-register sys,status -msg SYS_STATUS} -sysError {-register sys,error -msg SYS_ERROR} -clockStatus {-register sys,clk,status} } set HardwiredSettings { address 0x28 } set ConfigurationRegisters { ................................................................................ } ::oo::objdefine [self] deletemethod init } ## ## Private Methods ## method ProcessArgs {inputArgs classArgsDict} { variable instanceInfo set unprocessedArgs {} array set missingRequiredArr {} if {![info exists instanceInfo]} { set instanceInfo {} ................................................................................ method ReadCurrentConfiguration {} { variable instanceInfo variable currentConfiguration classvariable ConfigurationRegisters set currentConfiguration [bno055 readMultipleRegisters [dict get $instanceInfo handle] $ConfigurationRegisters] return $currentConfiguration } ## ## Special Methods ## constructor {args} { variable instanceInfo classvariable OptionDef classvariable HardwiredSettings variable currentConfiguration set remainingArgs [my ProcessArgs $args $OptionDef] ................................................................................ ## ## Close the handle to the device ## close [dict get $instanceInfo handle] } ## ## Public Methods ## method cget {option} { variable instanceInfo classvariable OptionDef classvariable ReadOnly variable currentConfiguration if {[dict exists $instanceInfo options $option]} { return [dict get $instanceInfo options $option] } elseif {[dict exists $instanceInfo legalOption $option]} { set optionDict [dict get $OptionDef $option] set register [dict get $optionDict -register] set value [dict get $currentConfiguration $register] } elseif {[dict exists $ReadOnly $option]} { set optionDict [dict get $ReadOnly $option] set register [dict get $optionDict -register] set value [bno055 readRegister [dict get $instanceInfo handle] $register] } else { set legalOptions [dict keys [dict get $instanceInfo legalOption]] throw [list TK LOOKUP OPTION $option] "unknown option \"$option\" -- legal options are: [join $legalOptions {,}]" } if {[dict exists $optionDict -type]} { set type [dict get $optionDict -type] set value [string tolower [bno055 getShortSymbol $type $value]] } elseif {[dict exists $optionDict -msg]} { set type [dict get $optionDict -msg] set value [string tolower [bno055 getSymbol $type $value]] } elseif {[dict exists $optionDict -format]} { set value [format [dict get $optionDict -format] $value] } return $value } method configure {args} { variable instanceInfo classvariable OptionDef classvariable ReadOnly variable currentConfiguration set argLen [llength $args] if {$argLen == 0} { set returnList {} foreach option [lsort -dictionary [dict keys [dict get $instanceInfo legalOption]]] { ## ................................................................................ } else { set optionDict [dict get $OptionDef $option] set register [dict get $optionDict -register] set value [dict get $currentConfiguration $register] if {[dict exists $optionDict -type]} { set type [dict get $optionDict -type] set value [string tolower [bno055 getShortSymbol $type $value]] } elseif {[dict exists $optionDict -msg]} { set type [dict get $optionDict -msg] set value [string tolower [bno055 getSymbol $type $value]] } elseif {[dict exists $optionDict -format]} { set value [format [dict get $optionDict -format] $value] } set itemList [list $option {} $value] } lappend returnList $itemList } foreach option [lsort -dictionary [dict keys $ReadOnly]] { set optionDict [dict get $ReadOnly $option] set register [dict get $optionDict -register] set value [bno055 readRegister [dict get $instanceInfo handle] $register] if {[dict exists $optionDict -type]} { set type [dict get $optionDict -type] set value [string tolower [bno055 getShortSymbol $type $value]] } elseif {[dict exists $optionDict -msg]} { set type [dict get $optionDict -msg] set value [string tolower [bno055 getSymbol $type $value]] } elseif {[dict exists $optionDict -format]} { set value [format [dict get $optionDict -format] $value] } lappend returnList [list $option {} $value] } return $returnList } elseif {$argLen == 1} { set option [lindex $args 0] return [my cget $option] } elseif {($argLen % 2) == 0} { set configureList {} set immediateList {} foreach {option value} $args { if {![dict exists $OptionDef $option] || $option eq "-bus"} { set legalOptions [dict keys $OptionDef] set index [lsearch -exact $legalOptions "-bus"] set legalOptions [lreplace $legalOptions $index $index] throw [list LOOKUP OPTION $option] "unknown option \"$option\" -- legal options are: [join $legalOptions {,}]" } elseif {[dict exists $OptionDef $option -register]} { if {![string is entier $value]} { set value [bno055 getValue2 [dict get $OptionDef $option -type] $value] } set register [dict get $OptionDef $option -register] dict set currentConfiguration $register $value if {[dict exists $OptionDef $option -immediate] && [dict get $OptionDef $option -immediate]} { lappend immediateList $register $value } else { lappend configureList $register $value } } else { } } set handle [dict get $instanceInfo handle] if {[llength $configureList]} { bno055 writeRegister $handle operMode [bno055 getValue2 OPER_MODE CONFIGMODE] foreach {register value} $configureList { bno055 writeRegister $handle $register $value } bno055 writeRegister $handle operMode [dict get $currentConfiguration operMode] } if {[llength $immediateList]} { foreach {register value} $immediateList { bno055 writeRegister $handle $register $value } } } return; } method readGyro {} { variable instanceInfo variable currentConfiguration set operMode [bno055 getShortSymbol OPER_MODE [dict get $currentConfiguration operMode]] if {$operMode in {CONFIGMODE ACCONLY MAGONLY COMPASS M4G}} { throw [list DIMU SENDIS $operMode] "Gyroscope reading are not availble when dIMU is in '$operMode' mode." } set results {} set readings [bno055 readMultipleRegisters [dict get $instanceInfo handle] {gyr,data,x gyr,data,y gyr,data,z}] set range [bno055 getSymbol GRY_RANGE [dict get $currentConfiguration gyr,range]] switch -exact -- $range { GRY_RANGE_125DPS { ................................................................................ dict set results units rps set divisor [expr {$divsor * 900 / 16}] } dict set results x [expr {[dict get $readings gyr,data,x] / $divisor}] dict set results y [expr {[dict get $readings gyr,data,y] / $divisor}] dict set results z [expr {[dict get $readings gyr,data,z] / $divisor}] } method readTemperature {} { variable instanceInfo variable currentConfiguration set results {} set readings [bno055 readRegister [dict get $instanceInfo handle] temp,data] set units [bno055 getSymbol GRY_UNIT [dict get $currentConfiguration temp,units]] if {$units in {C c}} { dict set results units C set divisor 1.0 } else { dict set results units V set divisor 2.0 } dict set results temperature [expr {$readings / $divisor}] } method reset {what} { variable instanceInfo set handle [dict get $instanceInfo handle] switch -exact $what { interrupts { bno055 writeRegister $handle resetInt 1 } system { bno055 writeRegister $handle systemReset 1 } default { throw [list DMIU UNKACT $what] "unkown action '$what', must be either intterupts or system." } } } method runSelfTest {} { variable instanceInfo variable currentConfiguration set operMode [bno055 getShortSymbol OPER_MODE [dict get $currentConfiguration operMode]] if {$operMode ni {CONFIGMODE}} { throw [list DIMU SENDIS $operMode] "Running Self Test is not availble when dIMU is in '$operMode' mode." } bno055 writeRegister [dict get $instanceInfo handle] runSelfTest 1 return } } dimu init |