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Comment: | Correct several bugs. |
Downloads: | Tarball | ZIP archive | SQL archive |
Timelines: | family | ancestors | descendants | both | trunk |
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SHA3-256: | a2782097cecd6b35054e97272682d800da51365b1e802f62cdc4884b85d5cca5 |
User & Date: | gwlester 2018-02-08 05:50:36 |
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22:38 | General configration section of dIMU class and Multisenor example working. check-in: cbe12efdf4 user: gwlester tags: trunk | |
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05:50 | Correct several bugs. check-in: a2782097ce user: gwlester tags: trunk | |
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21:53 | Reorganize prohect directories. check-in: 1ae81b7c1b user: gwlester tags: trunk | |
Changes to examples/Multisensor_Example.tcl.
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## ## It utilizes the low leve bno055 package. ## lappend atuo_path [file dirname [info script]] [pwd] ::tcl::tm::path add [file dirname [info script]] [pwd] #package require dimu proc dimu {args} {return} ## ## These bytes set the full scale range of the gyroscope. ## it is important to define full_scale_range. Values are: ## 0x00 - 250 dps. Full scale range. ## 0x10 - 500 dps. Full scale range. ## 0x30 - 2000 dps. Full scale range. ................................................................................ amg "Accelerometer, Gyroscope and Magnetometer Only" imu "Inertial Measurement Unit" compass "Compass" m4g "Magnet for Gyroscope" ndof_fmc_off "9 Degrees of Freedom -- Fast Magnetometer Calibration Off" ndof "9 Degrees of Freedom -- Fast Magnetometer Calibration On" } power,map,labelframe { normal "Normal" low "Low" suspend "Suspend" } } foreach key [array names UI "*,map,label"] { ................................................................................ proc LoadCurrentConfiguration {} { global UI global Configuration global CurrentValue foreach optionValue [$CurrentValue(handle) configure] { lassign $optionalValue option default value ## ## Remove the leading - ## set index [string range $option 1 end] if {[info exists UI($index,map,label)]} { set value $UI($index,map,label) } set Configuration($index) $value } } ## ## Main Body ## set CurrentValue(handle) [dimu new] LoadCurrentConfiguration CreateGui trace add variable Configuration write ConfigurationChange trace add variable ::Configuration(operation) write ChangeMode |
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## ## It utilizes the low leve bno055 package. ## lappend atuo_path [file dirname [info script]] [pwd] ::tcl::tm::path add [file dirname [info script]] [pwd] package require dimu ## ## These bytes set the full scale range of the gyroscope. ## it is important to define full_scale_range. Values are: ## 0x00 - 250 dps. Full scale range. ## 0x10 - 500 dps. Full scale range. ## 0x30 - 2000 dps. Full scale range. ................................................................................ amg "Accelerometer, Gyroscope and Magnetometer Only" imu "Inertial Measurement Unit" compass "Compass" m4g "Magnet for Gyroscope" ndof_fmc_off "9 Degrees of Freedom -- Fast Magnetometer Calibration Off" ndof "9 Degrees of Freedom -- Fast Magnetometer Calibration On" } power,map,label { normal "Normal" low "Low" suspend "Suspend" } } foreach key [array names UI "*,map,label"] { ................................................................................ proc LoadCurrentConfiguration {} { global UI global Configuration global CurrentValue foreach optionValue [$CurrentValue(handle) configure] { lassign $optionValue option default value ## ## Remove the leading - ## set index [string range $option 1 end] if {[info exists UI($index,map,label)]} { try { set value [dict get $UI($index,map,label) $value] } on error {errMsg errInfo} { puts "Error: $errMsg" puts "Error on $index for '$value'" } } set Configuration($index) $value } } ## ## Main Body ## set CurrentValue(handle) [dimu new] LoadCurrentConfiguration CreateGui trace add variable Configuration write ConfigurationChange trace add variable ::Configuration(operation) write ChangeMode |
Changes to src/bno055/bno055.tcl.
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gyr,units {0 0x3b b 1:1} eul,units {0 0x3b b 2:2} temp,units {0 0x3b b 4:4} format,opt {0 0x3b b 7:7} operMode {0 0x3d b 3:0} powerMode {0 0x3e b 1:0} runSelfTest {0 0x3f b 0:0} sytemReset {0 0x3f b 5:5} resetInt {0 0x3f b 6:6} clockSource {0 0x3f b 7:7} tempSource {0 0x40 b 1:0} remap,x,value {0 0x41 b 1:0} remap,y,value {0 0x41 b 3:2} remap,z,value {0 0x41 b 5:4} remap,x,sign {0 0x42 b 0:0} ................................................................................ SymDef ACC_SLEEP_MODE EVENT 0 SymDef ACC_SLEEP_MODE EQUIDISTANT 1 set value 0 foreach item {0.5MS 0.5MS 0.5MS 0.5MS 0.5MS 0.5MS 1MS 2MS 4MS 6MS 10MS 25MS 50MS 100MS 500MS 1000MS} { SymDef ACC_SLEEP_DURR $item $value incr value } set value 1 foreach item {4MS 5MS 8MS 10MS 15MS 20MS 40MS} { SymDef GRY_AUTOSLP_DURR $item $value incr value } set value 0 foreach item {4MS 5MS 8MS 10MS 15MS 18MS 20MS} { SymDef GRY_SLEEP_DURR $item $value incr value ................................................................................ } return $result } proc validateHandle {handle} { foreach register {main,chipId acc,chipId mag,chipId gyro,chipId} expectedValue {0xa0 0xfb 0x32 0x0f} { if {[readRegister $handle $register] != $expectedValue} { throw [list NOTBNO055 $handle] "The handle, '$handle', does not refrence a bno055" } } } namespace ensemble create -subcommands { getValue |
| | | | > | |
82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 ... 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 ... 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 |
gyr,units {0 0x3b b 1:1} eul,units {0 0x3b b 2:2} temp,units {0 0x3b b 4:4} format,opt {0 0x3b b 7:7} operMode {0 0x3d b 3:0} powerMode {0 0x3e b 1:0} runSelfTest {0 0x3f b 0:0} systemReset {0 0x3f b 5:5} resetInt {0 0x3f b 6:6} clockSource {0 0x3f b 7:7} tempSource {0 0x40 b 1:0} remap,x,value {0 0x41 b 1:0} remap,y,value {0 0x41 b 3:2} remap,z,value {0 0x41 b 5:4} remap,x,sign {0 0x42 b 0:0} ................................................................................ SymDef ACC_SLEEP_MODE EVENT 0 SymDef ACC_SLEEP_MODE EQUIDISTANT 1 set value 0 foreach item {0.5MS 0.5MS 0.5MS 0.5MS 0.5MS 0.5MS 1MS 2MS 4MS 6MS 10MS 25MS 50MS 100MS 500MS 1000MS} { SymDef ACC_SLEEP_DURR $item $value incr value } set value 0 foreach item {"Not Allowed" 4MS 5MS 8MS 10MS 15MS 20MS 40MS} { SymDef GRY_AUTOSLP_DURR $item $value incr value } set value 0 foreach item {4MS 5MS 8MS 10MS 15MS 18MS 20MS} { SymDef GRY_SLEEP_DURR $item $value incr value ................................................................................ } return $result } proc validateHandle {handle} { foreach register {main,chipId acc,chipId mag,chipId gyro,chipId} expectedValue {0xa0 0xfb 0x32 0x0f} { set receivedValue [readRegister $handle $register] if {$receivedValue != $expectedValue} { throw [list NOTBNO055 $handle] "The handle, '$handle', does not refrence a bno055. For register $register expected '$expectedValue' but received '$receivedValue'" } } } namespace ensemble create -subcommands { getValue |
Changes to src/dimu/dimu.tcl.
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self method init {} { variable HardwiredSettings variable ConfigurationRegisters variable OptionDef set OptionDef { -bus {-default 1} -power {-register pwrMode -allowed {normal low suspend} -type PWR_MODE} -operation {-register operMode -immediate yes -allowed {configmode acconly magonly gyroonly accmag accgyro maggyro amg imu compass m4g ndof_fmc_off ndof} -type OPER_MODE} -gryorange {-register gyr,range -allowed {2000dps 1000dps 500dps 250dps 125dps} -type GRY_RANGE} -gryobandwidth {-register gyr,bandwidth -allowed {523hz 230hz 116hz 64hz 47hz 32hz 23hz 12hz} -type GRY_BANDWIDTH} -gyropowermode {-register gyr,pwrMode -allowed {normal fast_up deep_suspend suspend advanced_powersave} -type GRY_POWER_MODE} -gyrounits {-register gry,units -allowed {dps rps} -type GRY_UNIT} -gryoautosleep {-register gyr,autoSlpDur -allowed {4MS 5MS 8MS 10MS 15MS 20MS 40MS} -type GRY_AUTOSLP_DURR} -gryosleep {-register gyr,sleepDur -allowed {4MS 5MS 8MS 10MS 15MS 18MS 20MS} -type GRY_SLEEP_DURR} -gryoawake {-register gyr,am,durr -allowed {8samples 16samples 32samples 64samples} -type GYR_AWAKE_DURR} -gryoslope {-register gyr,am,slope} -gryoxoffset {-register gyr,x,offset} -gryoyoffset {-register gyr,y,offset} -gryozoffset {-register gyr,z,offset} ................................................................................ } set HardwiredSettings { address 0x28 } set ConfigurationRegisters { main,chipId acc,chipId mag,chipId gyro,chipId sw,rev bl,rev mag,cab,status acc,cab,status gyr,cab,status sys,cab,status acc,selftest mag,selftest gyr,selftest mcu,selftest sys,clk,status sys,status sys,error acc,units gyr,units eul,units temp,units format,opt operMode powerMode clockSource tempSource remap,x,value remap,y,value remap,z,value remap,x,sign remap,y,sign remap,z,sign acc,x,offset acc,y,offset acc,z,offset mag,x,offset mag,y,offset mag,z,offset gyr,x,offset gyr,y,offset gyr,z,offset acc,radius mag,radius acc,range acc,bandwidth acc,pwrMode mag,rate mag,operMode mag,pwrMode gyr,range gyr,bandwidth gyr,pwrMode acc,sleepMode acc,sleepDur gyr,am,intMask gyr,hiR,intMask acc,hiG,intMask acc,am,intMask acc,nm,intMask gyr,am,intEnab gyr,hiR,intEnab acc,hiG,intEnab acc,am,intEnab acc,nm,intEnab acc,am,thresh acc,am,dur acc,an,x acc,an,y acc,an,z acc,hi,x acc,hi,y acc,hi,z acc,hi,thresh acc,hi,durr acc,nm,thresh acc,smnm,enab acc,smnm,durr gyr,am,x,enab gyr,am,y,enab gyr,am,z,enab gyr,hr,x,enab gyr,hr,y,enab gyr,hr,z,enab gyr,am,filter gyr,hr,filter gyr,hr,x,thres gyr,hr,x,hyst gyr,hr,x,durr gyr,hr,y,thres gyr,hr,y,hyst gyr,hr,y,durr gyr,hr,z,thres gyr,hr,z,hyst gyr,hr,z,durr gyr,am,slope gyr,am,durr uniqueId } ::oo::objdefine [self] deletemethod init } ................................................................................ if {[dict exists $instanceInfo options $option]} { return [dict get $instanceInfo options $option] } elseif {[dict exists $instanceInfo legalOption $option]} { set optionDict [dict get $OptionDef $option] set register [dict get $optionDict -register] set value [dict get $currentConfiguration $register] if {[dict exists $OptionDef -type]} { set type [dict get $OptionDef -type] set value [bno055 getSymbol $type $value] } return $value } else { set legalOptions [dict keys [dict get $instanceInfo legalOption]] throw [list TK LOOKUP OPTION $option] "unknown option \"$option\" -- legal options are: [join $legalOptions {,}]" } } ................................................................................ set argLen [llength $args] if {$argLen == 0} { set returnList {} foreach option [lsort -dictionary [dict keys [dict get $instanceInfo legalOption]]] { ## ## Order is optionName defaultValue currentValue ## if {[dict exists $instanceInfo options]} { set itemList [list $option [dict get $instanceInfo defaults $option] [dict get $instanceInfo options $option]] } else { set optionDict [dict get $OptionDef $option] set register [dict get $optionDict -register] set value [dict get $currentConfiguration $register] if {[dict exists $OptionDef -type]} { set type [dict get $OptionDef -type] set value [bno055 getSymbol $type $value] } set itemList [list $option {} $value] } lappend returnList $itemList } return $returnList |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | > > > | | | | | | | |
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self method init {} { variable HardwiredSettings variable ConfigurationRegisters variable OptionDef set OptionDef { -bus {-default 1} -power {-register powerMode -allowed {normal low suspend} -type PWR_MODE} -operation {-register operMode -immediate yes -allowed {configmode acconly magonly gyroonly accmag accgyro maggyro amg imu compass m4g ndof_fmc_off ndof} -type OPER_MODE} -gryorange {-register gyr,range -allowed {2000dps 1000dps 500dps 250dps 125dps} -type GRY_RANGE} -gryobandwidth {-register gyr,bandwidth -allowed {523hz 230hz 116hz 64hz 47hz 32hz 23hz 12hz} -type GRY_BANDWIDTH} -gyropowermode {-register gyr,pwrMode -allowed {normal fast_up deep_suspend suspend advanced_powersave} -type GRY_POWER_MODE} -gyrounits {-register gyr,units -allowed {dps rps} -type GRY_UNIT} -gryoautosleep {-register gyr,autoSlpDur -allowed {4MS 5MS 8MS 10MS 15MS 20MS 40MS} -type GRY_AUTOSLP_DURR} -gryosleep {-register gyr,sleepDur -allowed {4MS 5MS 8MS 10MS 15MS 18MS 20MS} -type GRY_SLEEP_DURR} -gryoawake {-register gyr,am,durr -allowed {8samples 16samples 32samples 64samples} -type GYR_AWAKE_DURR} -gryoslope {-register gyr,am,slope} -gryoxoffset {-register gyr,x,offset} -gryoyoffset {-register gyr,y,offset} -gryozoffset {-register gyr,z,offset} ................................................................................ } set HardwiredSettings { address 0x28 } set ConfigurationRegisters { acc,am,dur acc,am,intEnab acc,am,intMask acc,am,thresh acc,an,x acc,an,y acc,an,z acc,bandwidth acc,cab,status acc,chipId acc,hi,durr acc,hi,thresh acc,hi,x acc,hi,y acc,hi,z acc,hiG,intEnab acc,hiG,intMask acc,nm,intEnab acc,nm,intMask acc,nm,thresh acc,pwrMode acc,radius acc,range acc,selftest acc,sleepDur acc,sleepMode acc,smnm,durr acc,smnm,enab acc,units acc,x,offset acc,y,offset acc,z,offset bl,rev clockSource eul,units format,opt gyr,am,durr gyr,am,filter gyr,am,intEnab gyr,am,intMask gyr,am,slope gyr,am,x,enab gyr,am,y,enab gyr,am,z,enab gyr,autoSlpDur gyr,bandwidth gyr,cab,status gyr,hiR,intEnab gyr,hiR,intMask gyr,hr,filter gyr,hr,x,durr gyr,hr,x,enab gyr,hr,x,hyst gyr,hr,x,thres gyr,hr,y,durr gyr,hr,y,enab gyr,hr,y,hyst gyr,hr,y,thres gyr,hr,z,durr gyr,hr,z,enab gyr,hr,z,hyst gyr,hr,z,thres gyr,pwrMode gyr,range gyr,selftest gyr,units gyr,x,offset gyr,y,offset gyr,z,offset gyr,sleepDur gyr,units gyro,chipId mag,cab,status mag,chipId mag,operMode mag,pwrMode mag,radius mag,rate mag,selftest mag,x,offset mag,y,offset mag,z,offset main,chipId mcu,selftest operMode powerMode remap,x,sign remap,x,value remap,y,sign remap,y,value remap,z,sign remap,z,value sw,rev sys,cab,status sys,clk,status sys,error sys,status temp,units tempSource uniqueId } ::oo::objdefine [self] deletemethod init } ................................................................................ if {[dict exists $instanceInfo options $option]} { return [dict get $instanceInfo options $option] } elseif {[dict exists $instanceInfo legalOption $option]} { set optionDict [dict get $OptionDef $option] set register [dict get $optionDict -register] set value [dict get $currentConfiguration $register] if {[dict exists $optionDict -type]} { set type [dict get $optionDict -type] set value [string tolower [bno055 getShortSymbol $type $value]] } return $value } else { set legalOptions [dict keys [dict get $instanceInfo legalOption]] throw [list TK LOOKUP OPTION $option] "unknown option \"$option\" -- legal options are: [join $legalOptions {,}]" } } ................................................................................ set argLen [llength $args] if {$argLen == 0} { set returnList {} foreach option [lsort -dictionary [dict keys [dict get $instanceInfo legalOption]]] { ## ## Order is optionName defaultValue currentValue ## if {[dict exists $instanceInfo options $option]} { set itemList [list $option [dict get $instanceInfo defaults $option] [dict get $instanceInfo options $option]] } else { set optionDict [dict get $OptionDef $option] set register [dict get $optionDict -register] set value [dict get $currentConfiguration $register] if {[dict exists $optionDict -type]} { set type [dict get $optionDict -type] set value [string tolower [bno055 getShortSymbol $type $value]] } set itemList [list $option {} $value] } lappend returnList $itemList } return $returnList |