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Comment: | Reorganize prohect directories. |
Downloads: | Tarball | ZIP archive | SQL archive |
Timelines: | family | ancestors | descendants | both | trunk |
Files: | files | file ages | folders |
SHA3-256: | 1ae81b7c1b24268647aa24020bd6118d2edfdaf38f5ab99ebe493a29c1214bcf |
User & Date: | gwlester 2018-02-07 21:53:17 |
| ||
05:50 | Correct several bugs. check-in: a2782097ce user: gwlester tags: trunk | |
| ||
21:53 | Reorganize prohect directories. check-in: 1ae81b7c1b user: gwlester tags: trunk | |
02:15 | Added package require Tcl 6.6 check-in: c732f97210 user: gwlester tags: trunk | |
Deleted Accelerometer_Calibrate.tcl.
1 2 3 4 5 |
#!/bin/sh # the next line restarts using wish \ exec wish "$0" ${1+"$@"} package require piio |
< < < < < |
Deleted Accelerometer_Example.tcl.
1 2 3 4 5 |
#!/bin/sh # the next line restarts using wish \ exec wish "$0" ${1+"$@"} package require piio |
< < < < < |
Added Makefile.
> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > |
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default: build build: clean tclsh make.tcl build install: tclsh make.tcl install test: @( cd tests ; tclsh all.tcl ) checkall: @tclchecker $(OPTIONS) $(shell find . -name '*.tcl') clean: -rm -f -- *.tm -rm -f -- ci-comment-* |
Name change from Gyro_Example.tcl to examples/Gyro_Example.tcl.
Name change from Multisensor_Example.tcl to examples/Multisensor_Example.tcl.
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## It utilizes the low leve bno055 package. ## lappend atuo_path [file dirname [info script]] [pwd] ::tcl::tm::path add [file dirname [info script]] [pwd] #package require dimu ## ## These bytes set the full scale range of the gyroscope. ## it is important to define full_scale_range. Values are: ## 0x00 - 250 dps. Full scale range. ## 0x10 - 500 dps. Full scale range. ## 0x30 - 2000 dps. Full scale range. ## array set GyroValues { 250dps 0x00 500dps 0x10 2000dps 0x30 250dps,divisor 128.0 500dps,divisor 64.0 2000dps,divisor 16.0 divisor 16.0 full_scale_range 0x30 gyro,x,axis 0x14 gyro,y,axis 0x16 gyro,z,axis 0x18 rate 50 digits 5 decimals 1 minChange 0.1 } array set AccelValues { 250dps 0x00 500dps 0x10 2000dps 0x30 250dps,divisor 128.0 500dps,divisor 64.0 2000dps,divisor 16.0 divisor 16.0 full_scale_range 0x30 gyro,x,axis 0x14 gyro,y,axis 0x16 gyro,z,axis 0x18 rate 50 digits 5 decimals 1 minChange 0.1 } array set MagValues { 250dps 0x00 500dps 0x10 2000dps 0x30 250dps,divisor 128.0 500dps,divisor 64.0 2000dps,divisor 16.0 divisor 16.0 full_scale_range 0x30 gyro,x,axis 0x14 gyro,y,axis 0x16 gyro,z,axis 0x18 rate 50 digits 5 decimals 1 minChange 0.1 } set i2cbus 1 set dIMUaddress 0x28 set range 2000dps foreach type {gyroscope accelerometer magnetometer gravity linearAcceleration quaternion prh} { set CurrentValue($type,x) {0} set CurrentValue($type,y) {0} set CurrentValue($type,z) {0} } proc StartGyro {handle range} { global GyroValues ## ## Place the dIMU in configuration mode ## bno055 writeRegister $handle operMode [bno055 getValue OPER_MODE_CONFIGMODE] piio usleep 20 ## ## Disable power down. ## bno055 writeRegister $handle powerMode [bno055 getValue PWR_MODE_NORMAL] piio usleep 10 ## ## No High Pass Filter, Enable Any Motion ## bno055 writeRegisterBlock $handle \ gyr,am,x,enab 1 \ gyr,am,y,enab 1 \ gyr,am,z,enab 1 \ gyr,am,filter 0 \ gyr,hr,filter 0 piio usleep 10 ## ## No interrupts. ## bno055 writeRegisterBlock $handle \ gyr,am,intEnab 0 \ gyr,hiR,intEnab \ piio usleep 10 ## ## Specified scale range, power mode and bandwidth. ## bno055 writeRegisterBlock $handle \ gyr,range [bno055 getValue2 GRY_RANGE [string toupper $range]] \ gyr,bandwidth [bno055 getValue GRY_BANDWIDTH_32HZ] \ gyr,pwrMode [bno055 getValue GRY_POWER_MODE_NORMAL] piio usleep 10 ## ## Switch to IMU mode so autocalibration happens. ## bno055 writeRegister $handle operMode [bno055 getValue OPER_MODE_IMU] piio usleep 20 ## ## Set divisor so that the output of our gyro axis readings can be turned ## into scaled values. ## set GyroValues(divisor) $GyroValues($range,divisor) return; } ## ## Gyro: gets a full axis reading, scaled to the full scale reading. Returns ## in degrees per second. ## proc GyroAxisReading {axis oldValue} { global GyroValues set handle $GyroValues(handle) set intValue [bno055 readRegister $handle gyr,data,$axis] set digits $GyroValues(digits) set decimals $GyroValues(decimals) incr digits $decimals if {$decimals} { ## ## Account for the decimal point ## incr digits } ## ## Account for the sign ## incr digits set newValue [format "%${digits}.${decimals}f" [expr {$intValue / $GyroValues(divisor)}]] if {$newValue != $oldValue && abs($newValue - $oldValue) < $GyroValues(minChange)} { set newValue $oldValue } return $newValue } proc ReadGyro {} { global GyroValues CurrentValue if {[info exists GyroValues(afterId)]} { after cancel $GyroValues(afterId) } set GyroValues(afterId) [after [expr {$GyroValues(rate) * 10}] ReadGyro] ## ## Read the GYROSCOPE ## set x [GyroAxisReading x $CurrentValue(x)] set y [GyroAxisReading y $CurrentValue(y)] set z [GyroAxisReading z $CurrentValue(z)] if {$x != $CurrentValue(x) || $y != $CurrentValue(y) || $z != $CurrentValue(z) } { LogValues $x $y $z } set CurrentValue(x) $x set CurrentValue(y) $y set CurrentValue(z) $z return } proc LogValues {type} { variable WidgetData variable CurrentValue #if {[info exists GyroValues(logId)]} { # after cancel $GyroValues(logId) #} #set GyroValues(logId) [after [expr {$GyroValues(freq) * 100}] LogValues] set timeStamp [clock format [clock seconds]] set x $CurrentValue($type,x) set y $CurrentValue($type,y) set z $CurrentValue($type,z) $WidgetData($type,history) insert {} end -values [list $timeStamp $x $y $z] } proc StartReading {} { global i2cbus dIMUaddress range GyroValues if {$dIMUaddress eq {}} { return } .main.controls.buttons.start configure -state disabled .main.controls.buttons.stop configure -state normal set GyroValues(handle) [::twowire twowire $i2cbus $dIMUaddress] StartGyro $GyroValues(handle) $range ReadGyro } proc StopReading {} { global GyroValues if {[info exists GyroValues(afterId)]} { after cancel $GyroValues(afterId) } if {[info exists GyroValues(logId)]} { after cancel $GyroValues(logId) } .main.controls.buttons.start configure -state normal .main.controls.buttons.stop configure -state disabled } proc CreateGui {} { wm title . "dIMU Gyroscope Example" ttk::notebook .main grid configure .main -sticky nsew grid columnconfigure . .main -weight 1 grid rowconfigure . .main -weight 1 ttk::frame .main.configuration .main add .main.configuration -text {Configuration} ttk::frame .main.gyroscope .main add .main.gyroscope -text {Gyroscope} ttk::frame .main.accelerometer .main add .main.accelerometer -text {Accelerometer} ttk::frame .main.magnetometer .main add .main.magnetometer -text {Magnetometer} ttk::frame .main.gravity .main add .main.gravity -text {Gravity} ttk::frame .main.linearAcceleration .main add .main.linearAcceleration -text {Linear Acceleration} ttk::frame .main.quaternion .main add .main.quaternion -text {Quaternion} ttk::frame .main.prh .main add .main.prh -text {Pitch, Roll and Heading} CreateConfigurationFrame .main.configuration CreateGyroFrame .main.gyroscope CreateAccelerometerFrame .main.accelerometer CreateMagnetometerFrame .main.magnetometer CreateGravityFrame .main.gravity ................................................................................ proc CreateGeneralConfigFrame {general} { ## ## General Configuration group ## ttk::label $general.busLbl \ -text {I2C Bus:} ttk::combobox $general.busCMB \ -textvariable ::i2cbus \ -values [list 1] \ -state readonly ttk::label $general.addrLbl \ -text {iDMU Address:} ttk::entry $general.addrEnt \ -width 5 \ -textvariable ::dIMUaddress \ -state readonly ttk::label $general.rateLbl1 \ -text {Refresh Rate:} ttk::spinbox $general.rateEnt \ -from 50.0 \ -to 500.0 \ -increment 10.0 \ -format {%3.0f} \ -wrap no \ -command [format {set ::GyroValues(rate) [expr {entier([%1$s get])}]} $general.rateEnt] ttk::label $general.rateLbl2 \ -text { in microseconds} ttk::label $general.operLbl1 \ -text {Operational Mode} # change values to be human readable ttk::combobox $general.operCMB \ -textvariable ::Configuration(operMode) \ -values {configmode acconly magonly gyroonly accmag accgyro maggyro amg imu compass m4g ndof_fmc_off ndof} \ -state readonly # put a trace on opermode to ttk::label $general.pwrLbl1 \ -text {Power Mode} ttk::combobox $general.pwrCMB \ -textvariable ::Configuration(pwrMode) \ -values {normal low suspend} \ -state readonly # Add axis remap and axis sign # Add self test results # Add clock select if sys_clk_status is true # Reset interupt # Reset system # Add self test trigger ................................................................................ ttk::combobox $gyro.rangeCMB \ -textvariable ::range \ -values [list 250dps 500dps 2000dps] \ -state readonly ttk::label $gyro.numDigitsLbl \ -text {Digits before decimal} ttk::combobox $gyro.numDigitsCMB \ -textvariable ::GyroValues(digits) \ -values [list 3 4] \ -state readonly ttk::label $gyro.numDecimalsLbl \ -text {Digits after decimal} ttk::combobox $gyro.numDecimalsCMB \ -textvariable ::GyroValues(decimals) \ -values [list 1 2 3 4] \ -state readonly ttk::label $gyro.minChangeLbl1 \ -text {Ignore less than} ttk::spinbox $gyro.minChangeEnt \ -from 0.1 \ -to 200.0 \ -increment 0.1 \ -format {%5.1f} \ -wrap no \ -textvariable ::GyroValues(minChange) ttk::label $gyro.minChangeLbl2 \ -text {dps change} # Add Self Test status # Add Calibration status # Add Unit Select # Add offsets # Add Gyro High Rate Interrupt Status ................................................................................ # Add Gyro Sleep Duration grid configure $gyro.rangeLbl $gyro.rangeCMB x x -padx 2 -sticky ew grid configure $gyro.numDigitsLbl $gyro.numDigitsCMB x x -padx 2 -sticky ew grid configure $gyro.numDecimalsLbl $gyro.numDecimalsCMB x x -padx 2 -sticky ew grid configure $gyro.minChangeLbl1 $gyro.minChangeEnt $gyro.minChangeLbl2 x -padx 2 -sticky ew grid columnconfigure $gyro 3 -weight 1 $gyro.minChangeEnt set $::GyroValues(minChange) } proc CreateMagConfigFrame {mag} { ## ## Magnetometer group ## ................................................................................ -textvariable ::CurrentValue($type,$z) \ -state readonly grid configure $w.xLabel $w.xValue $w.yLabel $w.yValue $w.zLabel $w.zValue x -sticky ew -padx 2 -pady 1 grid columnconfigure $w [list $w.xLabel $w.yLabel $w.zLabel] -uniform labels -weight 0 grid columnconfigure $w [list $w.xValue $w.yValue $w.zValue] -uniform values -weight 0 } CreateGui |
> | < < | < < < < < < < < < > < < | < < < < < < < < < > < < | < < < < < < < < < > > | | > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > | > > | | > > > < < < | < > | < < > > > < < < | < < > > | < > | | < < < > > > | | > > < < < > | | | | | < < < > > > | | < < < < < < < < > > > | < < < < < < > > < < < < < > | < < < < < < > > > > > > | < > | < | > > | < < < < < < < > > | < > > | > > > | | < > > | > > > > > > > > > > > > | | > > | < | > > > > > > > | < < < < > > > > > > | | > | < > > > > | | | | > | | | | < | | | | | | > > | | | | | | | | | | | | | | > < | | > | | | | | > > > | > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > |
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## It utilizes the low leve bno055 package. ## lappend atuo_path [file dirname [info script]] [pwd] ::tcl::tm::path add [file dirname [info script]] [pwd] #package require dimu proc dimu {args} {return} ## ## These bytes set the full scale range of the gyroscope. ## it is important to define full_scale_range. Values are: ## 0x00 - 250 dps. Full scale range. ## 0x10 - 500 dps. Full scale range. ## 0x30 - 2000 dps. Full scale range. ## array set CurrentValue { range 2000dps digits 5 decimals 1 minChange 0.1 formatStr {%7.1} } array set AccelValues { range 2000dps digits 5 decimals 1 minChange 0.1 formatStr {%7.1} } array set MagValues { range 2000dps digits 5 decimals 1 minChange 0.1 formatStr {%7.1} } array set Configuration { i2cbus 1 dIMUaddress 0x28 } array set UI { operation,map,label { configmode "Configuration Mode" acconly "Accelerometer Only" magonly "Magnetometer Only" gyroonly "Gyroscope Only" accmag "Accelerometer and Magnetometer Only" accgyro "Accelerometer and Gyroscope Only" maggyro "Gyroscope and Magnetometer Only" amg "Accelerometer, Gyroscope and Magnetometer Only" imu "Inertial Measurement Unit" compass "Compass" m4g "Magnet for Gyroscope" ndof_fmc_off "9 Degrees of Freedom -- Fast Magnetometer Calibration Off" ndof "9 Degrees of Freedom -- Fast Magnetometer Calibration On" } power,map,labelframe { normal "Normal" low "Low" suspend "Suspend" } } foreach key [array names UI "*,map,label"] { lassign [split $key ","] option set maxLabelSize -1 foreach {symbol label} $UI($key) { dict set UI($option,map,symbol) $label $symbol if {$maxLabelSize < [string length $label]} { set maxLabelSize [string length $label] } } set UI($option,maxLabelSize) $maxLabelSize } foreach type {gyroscope accelerometer magnetometer gravity linearAcceleration quaternion prh} { set CurrentValue($type,x) {0} set CurrentValue($type,y) {0} set CurrentValue($type,z) {0} } ## ## Begin procedure definition section ## proc ChangeOperationMode {varName index op} { global UI global Configuration set mode [dict get $UI(operation,map,symbol) $Configuration(operation] if {$mode ne "configmode"} { DisableConfigurationWidgets EnableTabs $mode } else { EnableConfigurationWidgets DisableTabs } } proc ConfigurationChange {varName index op} { global UI global CurrentValue upvar #0 $varName configuration set value $configuration($index) if {$index eq refreshRate} { return } elseif {[info exists UI($index,map,symbol)]} { set value [dict get $UI($index,map,symbol) $value] } $CurrentValue(handle) configure -$index $value } proc DisableTabs {} { global UI set notebook $UI(mainNotebook) foreach {tab widget} [array get UI {main,*}] { $nodebook tab $widget -state disabled } $nodebook tab $UI(main,configuration) -state normal $nodebook select $UI(main,configuration) } proc EnableTags {mode} { global UI DisableTabs set notebook $UI(mainNotebook) switch -exact -- $mode { configmode - default { ## ## Do nothing ## } acconly { $notebook tab $UI(main,accelerometer) -state normal } magonly { $notebook tab $UI(main,magnetometer) -state normal } gyroonly { $notebook tab $UI(main,gyroscope) -state normal } accmag { $notebook tab $UI(main,accelerometer) -state normal $notebook tab $UI(main,magnetometer) -state normal } accgyro { $notebook tab $UI(main,accelerometer) -state normal $notebook tab $UI(main,gyroscope) -state normal } maggyro { $notebook tab $UI(main,magnetometer) -state normal $notebook tab $UI(main,gyroscope) -state normal } amg { $notebook tab $UI(main,accelerometer) -state normal $notebook tab $UI(main,magnetometer) -state normal $notebook tab $UI(main,gyroscope) -state normal } imu - compass - m4g - ndof_fmc_off - ndof { foreach {tab widget} [array get UI {main,*}] { $nodebook tab $widget -state normal } } } } proc ReadGyro {} { global CurrentValue global GryoValues ## ## Read the gyroscope ## set currentReadings [$CurrentValue(handle) readGyro] set formatStr $GryoValues(formatStr) set x [format $formatStr [dict get $currentReadings x]] set y [format $formatStr [dict get $currentReadings z]] set z [format $formatStr [dict get $currentReadings z]] set minChange $GryoValues(minChange if {abs($x - $CurrentValue(gyroscope,x)) > $minChange || abs($y - $CurrentValue(gyroscope,y)) > $minChange || abs($z - $CurrentValue(gyroscope,z)) > $minChange } { LogValues $x $y $z ## ## Only change if delta exceed, otherwise a slow drift will never get ## logged. ## set CurrentValue(gyroscope,x) $x set CurrentValue(gyroscope,y) $y set CurrentValue(gyroscope,z) $z } return } proc LogValues {type} { variable WidgetData variable CurrentValue #if {[info exists CurrentValue(logId)]} { # after cancel $CurrentValue(logId) #} #set CurrentValue(logId) [after [expr {$CurrentValue(freq) * 100}] LogValues] set timeStamp [clock format [clock seconds]] set x $CurrentValue($type,x) set y $CurrentValue($type,y) set z $CurrentValue($type,z) $WidgetData($type,history) insert {} end -values [list $timeStamp $x $y $z] } proc StartReading {} { global i2cbus dIMUaddress range CurrentValue if {$dIMUaddress eq {}} { return } .main.controls.buttons.start configure -state disabled .main.controls.buttons.stop configure -state normal StartGyro $CurrentValue(handle) $range ReadGyro } proc StopReading {} { global CurrentValue if {[info exists CurrentValue(afterId)]} { after cancel $CurrentValue(afterId) } if {[info exists CurrentValue(logId)]} { after cancel $CurrentValue(logId) } .main.controls.buttons.start configure -state normal .main.controls.buttons.stop configure -state disabled } proc CreateGui {} { global UI wm title . "dIMU Gyroscope Example" set UI(mainNotebook) [ttk::notebook .main] grid configure .main -sticky nsew grid columnconfigure . .main -weight 1 grid rowconfigure . .main -weight 1 set UI(main,configuration) [ttk::frame .main.configuration] .main add .main.configuration -text {Configuration} set UI(main,gyroscope) [ttk::frame .main.gyroscope] .main add .main.gyroscope -text {Gyroscope} set UI(main,accelerometer) [ttk::frame .main.accelerometer] .main add .main.accelerometer -text {Accelerometer} set UI(main,magnetometer) [ttk::frame .main.magnetometer] .main add .main.magnetometer -text {Magnetometer} set UI(main,gravity) [ttk::frame .main.gravity] .main add .main.gravity -text {Gravity} set UI(main,linearAcceleration) [ttk::frame .main.linearAcceleration] .main add .main.linearAcceleration -text {Linear Acceleration} set UI(main,quaternion) [ttk::frame .main.quaternion] .main add .main.quaternion -text {Quaternion} set UI(main,prh) [ttk::frame .main.prh] .main add .main.prh -text {Pitch, Roll and Heading} CreateConfigurationFrame .main.configuration CreateGyroFrame .main.gyroscope CreateAccelerometerFrame .main.accelerometer CreateMagnetometerFrame .main.magnetometer CreateGravityFrame .main.gravity ................................................................................ proc CreateGeneralConfigFrame {general} { ## ## General Configuration group ## ttk::label $general.busLbl \ -text {I2C Bus:} ttk::combobox $general.busCMB \ -textvariable ::Configuration(i2cbus) \ -values [list 1] \ -state readonly ttk::label $general.addrLbl \ -text {iDMU Address:} ttk::entry $general.addrEnt \ -width 5 \ -textvariable ::Configuration(dIMUaddress) \ -state readonly ttk::label $general.rateLbl1 \ -text {Refresh Rate:} ttk::spinbox $general.rateEnt \ -from 50.0 \ -to 500.0 \ -increment 10.0 \ -format {%3.0f} \ -wrap no \ -command [format {set ::Configuration(refreshRate) [expr {entier([%1$s get])}]} $general.rateEnt] ttk::label $general.rateLbl2 \ -text { in microseconds} ttk::label $general.operLbl1 \ -text {Operational Mode} # change values to be human readable ttk::combobox $general.operCMB \ -textvariable ::Configuration(operation) \ -values [dict keys $::UI(operation,map,symbol)] \ -width $::UI(operation,maxLabelSize) \ -state readonly ttk::label $general.pwrLbl1 \ -text {Power Mode} ttk::combobox $general.pwrCMB \ -textvariable ::Configuration(power) \ -values [dict keys $::UI(power,map,symbol)] \ -width $::UI(power,maxLabelSize) \ -state readonly # Add axis remap and axis sign # Add self test results # Add clock select if sys_clk_status is true # Reset interupt # Reset system # Add self test trigger ................................................................................ ttk::combobox $gyro.rangeCMB \ -textvariable ::range \ -values [list 250dps 500dps 2000dps] \ -state readonly ttk::label $gyro.numDigitsLbl \ -text {Digits before decimal} ttk::combobox $gyro.numDigitsCMB \ -textvariable ::GryoValues(digits) \ -values [list 3 4] \ -state readonly ttk::label $gyro.numDecimalsLbl \ -text {Digits after decimal} ttk::combobox $gyro.numDecimalsCMB \ -textvariable ::GryoValues(decimals) \ -values [list 1 2 3 4] \ -state readonly ttk::label $gyro.minChangeLbl1 \ -text {Ignore less than} ttk::spinbox $gyro.minChangeEnt \ -from 0.1 \ -to 200.0 \ -increment 0.1 \ -format {%5.1f} \ -wrap no \ -textvariable ::GryoValues(minChange) ttk::label $gyro.minChangeLbl2 \ -text {dps change} # Add Self Test status # Add Calibration status # Add Unit Select # Add offsets # Add Gyro High Rate Interrupt Status ................................................................................ # Add Gyro Sleep Duration grid configure $gyro.rangeLbl $gyro.rangeCMB x x -padx 2 -sticky ew grid configure $gyro.numDigitsLbl $gyro.numDigitsCMB x x -padx 2 -sticky ew grid configure $gyro.numDecimalsLbl $gyro.numDecimalsCMB x x -padx 2 -sticky ew grid configure $gyro.minChangeLbl1 $gyro.minChangeEnt $gyro.minChangeLbl2 x -padx 2 -sticky ew grid columnconfigure $gyro 3 -weight 1 $gyro.minChangeEnt set $::CurrentValue(minChange) } proc CreateMagConfigFrame {mag} { ## ## Magnetometer group ## ................................................................................ -textvariable ::CurrentValue($type,$z) \ -state readonly grid configure $w.xLabel $w.xValue $w.yLabel $w.yValue $w.zLabel $w.zValue x -sticky ew -padx 2 -pady 1 grid columnconfigure $w [list $w.xLabel $w.yLabel $w.zLabel] -uniform labels -weight 0 grid columnconfigure $w [list $w.xValue $w.yValue $w.zValue] -uniform values -weight 0 } proc LoadCurrentConfiguration {} { global UI global Configuration global CurrentValue foreach optionValue [$CurrentValue(handle) configure] { lassign $optionalValue option default value ## ## Remove the leading - ## set index [string range $option 1 end] if {[info exists UI($index,map,label)]} { set value $UI($index,map,label) } set Configuration($index) $value } } ## ## Main Body ## set CurrentValue(handle) [dimu new] LoadCurrentConfiguration CreateGui trace add variable Configuration write ConfigurationChange trace add variable ::Configuration(operation) write ChangeMode |
Added make.tcl.
> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 |
#!/bin/sh # the next line restarts using tclsh \ exec tclsh "$0" ${1+"$@"} proc install {location} { global baseDir foreach tm [glob [file join $baseDir *.tm]] { set baseName [file tail $tm] file copy -force -- $tm [file join $location $baseName] } return } proc build {} { global baseDir foreach dir [glob -types d [file join $baseDir src *]] { set tm [file tail $dir] set ifd [open [file join $dir version.txt] r] array unset versionInfo array set versionInfo [read $ifd] close $ifd set outputName [file join $baseDir $tm-] set version [format {%d.%d} $versionInfo(major) $versionInfo(minor)] if {[info exists versionInfo(patch)]} { append version "." $versionInfo(patch) } append outputName $version ".tm" set ofd [open $outputName w] set ifd [open [file join $dir $tm.tcl] r] fcopy $ifd $ofd puts $ofd {} puts $ofd "package provide $tm $version" puts $ofd {} close $ofd } return } set baseDir [file dirname [info script]] lassign $argv function location switch -exact -- $function { build { build } install { if {$location eq {}} { set pattern "*[info tclversion]*" foreach dir [::tcl::tm::path list] { if {[string match -nocase $pattern $dir]} { set location $dir } } } install $location } } |
Name change from to src/bno055/bno055.tcl.
Added src/bno055/version.txt.
> > > |
1 2 3 |
major 1 minor 0 patch 0 |
Name change from to src/dimu/dimu.tcl.
355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 |
GRY_RANGE_1000DPS { set divisor 32.0 } GRY_RANGE_2000DPS { set divisor 16.0 } } set units bno055 getSymbol GRY_UNIT [dict get $currentConfiguration gyr,units]] if {units eq "GRY_UNIT_DPS" } { dict set results units dps } else { dict set results units rps set divisor [expr {$divsor * 900 / 16}] } dict set results x [expr {[dict get $readings gyr,data,x] / $divisor}] dict set results y [expr {[dict get $readings gyr,data,y] / $divisor}] dict set results z [expr {[dict get $readings gyr,data,z] / $divisor}] } } dimu init |
| | |
355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 |
GRY_RANGE_1000DPS { set divisor 32.0 } GRY_RANGE_2000DPS { set divisor 16.0 } } set units [bno055 getSymbol GRY_UNIT [dict get $currentConfiguration gyr,units]] if {$units eq "GRY_UNIT_DPS" } { dict set results units dps } else { dict set results units rps set divisor [expr {$divsor * 900 / 16}] } dict set results x [expr {[dict get $readings gyr,data,x] / $divisor}] dict set results y [expr {[dict get $readings gyr,data,y] / $divisor}] dict set results z [expr {[dict get $readings gyr,data,z] / $divisor}] } } dimu init |
Added src/dimu/version.txt.
> > > |
1 2 3 |
major 1 minor 0 patch 0 |