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Artifact c9ba7bf4c4e0fba5a3505ac31c5d89ff19b4a7dc:

lappend auto_path .

package require tcltest
package require msgpack

::tcltest::configure {*}$argv

try {
    package require yaml
    set mtsPath [file join [file dirname [info script]] \
                           vendor \
} on ok _ {
    tcltest::testConstraint yaml true

proc flatmap args {
    concat {*}[uplevel 1 lmap $args]

proc test_map n {
    # Get keys and values
    set l {}

    for {set i 0} {$i < $n} {incr i} {
        set m 0
        for {set j 0} {$j < 256} {incr j} {
            incr m
            set k [expr {int(sin($i + $j)*10000000)}]
            if {![info exists a($k)]} {
        set v [expr {int(sin($n)*100000)}]
        lappend l $k $v
        set a($k) $v

    set l [lsort -stride 2 -index 0 -dictionary $l]

    # Test with map and loop over elements
    set tt [msgpack pack map $n]
    foreach {k v} $l {
        append tt [msgpack pack int $k]
        append tt [msgpack pack int $v]
    append tt [msgpack pack true]

    # Test dict
    set tt2 [msgpack pack dict int int $l]
    append tt2 [msgpack pack true]

    # Test tcl_array
    set tt3 [msgpack pack tcl_array int int a]
    append tt3 [msgpack pack true]

    return [list \
        [string equal $tt $tt2] \
        [string equal $tt $tt3] \
        $tt \

tcltest::test fix_int8 fix_int8 -body {
    set tt [msgpack pack fix_int8 100]
    append tt [msgpack pack fix_int8 -100]
    append tt [msgpack pack fix_uint8 100]
} -result [binary decode hex d064d09ccc64]

tcltest::test fix_int16 fix_int16 -body {
    set tt [msgpack pack fix_int16 1000]
    append tt [msgpack pack fix_int16 -1000]
    append tt [msgpack pack fix_uint16 1000]
} -result [binary decode hex d103e8d1fc18cd03e8]

tcltest::test fix_int32 fix_int32 -body {
    set tt [msgpack pack fix_int32 100000]
    append tt [msgpack pack fix_int32 -100000]
    append tt [msgpack pack fix_uint32 100000]
} -result [binary decode hex d2000186a0d2fffe7960ce000186a0]

tcltest::test fix_int64 fix_int64 -body {
    set tt [msgpack pack fix_int64 1000000000000000]
    append tt [msgpack pack fix_int64 -1000000000000000]
    append tt [msgpack pack fix_uint64 1000000000000000]
} -result [binary decode hex \
    d300038d7ea4c68000d3fffc72815b398000cf00038d7ea4c68000 \

tcltest::test nil-true-false nil-true-false -body {
    set tt [msgpack pack nil]
    append tt [msgpack pack true]
    append tt [msgpack pack false]
} -result [binary decode hex c0c3c2]

tcltest::test fixnum-pos-neg fixnum-pos-neg -body {
    set tt [msgpack pack fixnumpos 5]
    append tt [msgpack pack fixnumpos 50]
    append tt [msgpack pack fixnumneg -10]
    append tt [msgpack pack fixnumneg -32]
    msgpack unpack $tt
} -result {{integer 5} {integer 50} {integer -10} {integer -32}}

tcltest::test int8 int8 -body {
    flatmap v {127 128 1 0 -1 -32 -33 -127 -128} {
            msgpack pack int8 $v
} -result "\x7f \xd0\x80 \x01 \x00 \xff \xe0 \xd0\xdf \xd0\x81 \xd0\x80"

tcltest::test uint8 uint8 -body {
    flatmap v {127 128 1 0 -1 -32 -33 -127 -128} {
            msgpack pack uint8 $v
} -result "\x7f \xcc\x80 \x01 \x00 \xcc\xff \xcc\xe0 \xcc\xdf \xcc\x81\

tcltest::test int16 int16 -body {
    flatmap v {
        1 0 -1 32 33 -32 -33 127 128 -127 -128 256 257 -255 -256 10000 -10000
    } {
            binary encode hex [msgpack pack int16 $v]
} -result {01 00 ff 20 21 e0 d0df 7f cc80 d081 d080 cd0100 cd0101 d1ff01\
           d1ff00 cd2710 d1d8f0}

tcltest::test uint16 uint16 -body {
    flatmap v {
        1 0 -1 32 33 -32 -33 127 128 -127 -128 256 257 -255 -256 10000 -10000
    } {
            binary encode hex [msgpack pack uint16 $v]
} -result {01 00 cdffff 20 21 cdffe0 cdffdf 7f cc80 cdff81 cdff80 cd0100\
           cd0101 cdff01 cdff00 cd2710 cdd8f0}

tcltest::test int32 int32 -body {
    flatmap v {
        1 0 -1 32 33 -32 -33 127 128 -127 -128 256 257 -255 -256 32767 32768
        -32767 -32768 65535 65536 -65535 -65536 10000000 -10000000
    } {
            binary encode hex [msgpack pack int32 $v]
} -result {01 00 ff 20 21 e0 d0df 7f cc80 d081 d080 cd0100 cd0101 d1ff01\
           d1ff00 cd7fff cd8000 d18001 d18000 cdffff ce00010000 d2ffff0001\
           d2ffff0000 ce00989680 d2ff676980}

tcltest::test uint32 uint32 -body {
    flatmap v {
        1 0 -1 32 33 -32 -33 127 128 -127 -128 256 257 -255 -256 32767 32768
        -32767 -32768 65535 65536 -65535 -65536 10000000 -10000000
    } {
            binary encode hex [msgpack pack uint32 $v]
} -result {01 00 ceffffffff 20 21 ceffffffe0 ceffffffdf 7f cc80 ceffffff81\
           ceffffff80 cd0100 cd0101 ceffffff01 ceffffff00 cd7fff cd8000\
           ceffff8001 ceffff8000 cdffff ce00010000 ceffff0001 ceffff0000\
           ce00989680 ceff676980}

tcltest::test int64 int64 -body {
    flatmap v {
        1 0 -1 32 33 -32 -33 127 128 -127 -128 256 257 -255 -256 32767 32768
        -32767 -32768 65535 65536 -65535 -65536 2147483647 2147483648
        -2147483647 -2147483648 4294967295 4294967296 -4294967295 -4294967296
        1000000000000000 -1000000000000000
    } {
            binary encode hex [msgpack pack int64 $v]
} -result {01 00 ff 20 21 e0 d0df 7f cc80 d081 d080 cd0100 cd0101 d1ff01\
           d1ff00 cd7fff cd8000 d18001 d18000 cdffff ce00010000 d2ffff0001\
           d2ffff0000 ce7fffffff ce80000000 d280000001 d280000000 ceffffffff\
           cf0000000100000000 d3ffffffff00000001 d3ffffffff00000000\
           cf00038d7ea4c68000 d3fffc72815b398000}

tcltest::test uint64 uint64 -body {
    flatmap v {
        1 0 -1 32 33 -32 -33 127 128 -127 -128 256 257 -255 -256 32767 32768
        -32767 -32768 65535 65536 -65535 -65536 2147483647 2147483648
        -2147483647 -2147483648 4294967295 4294967296 -4294967295 -4294967296
        1000000000000000 -1000000000000000
    } {
            binary encode hex [msgpack pack uint64 $v]
} -result {01 00 cfffffffffffffffff 20 21 cfffffffffffffffe0\
           cfffffffffffffffdf 7f cc80 cfffffffffffffff81 cfffffffffffffff80\
           cd0100 cd0101 cfffffffffffffff01 cfffffffffffffff00 cd7fff cd8000\
           cfffffffffffff8001 cfffffffffffff8000 cdffff ce00010000\
           cfffffffffffff0001 cfffffffffffff0000 ce7fffffff ce80000000\
           cfffffffff80000001 cfffffffff80000000 ceffffffff cf0000000100000000\
           cfffffffff00000001 cfffffffff00000000 cf00038d7ea4c68000\

tcltest::test float32 float32 -body {
    flatmap v {1 2 3.1415 123456678 6.54e3} {
        binary encode hex [msgpack pack float32 $v]
} -result {ca3f800000 ca40000000 ca40490e56 ca4ceb7995 ca45cc6000}

tcltest::test float64 float64 -body {
    flatmap v {1 2 3.1415 123456678 6.54e3} {
        binary encode hex [msgpack pack float64 $v]
} -result {cb3ff0000000000000 cb4000000000000000 cb400921cac083126f\
           cb419d6f3298000000 cb40b98c0000000000}

# One can't use -match regexp here because it is limited to 255 repetitions.
# We weep for your terminal if this test fails.
tcltest::test bin bin -body {
    flatmap v [list \
        {} a bb ccc dddd [string repeat e 255] [string repeat e 256] \
        [string repeat f 257] [string repeat g 65535] [string repeat h 65536] \
        [string repeat i 100000] \
    ] {
            binary encode hex [msgpack pack bin $v]
} -result [list \
    c400 \
    c40161 \
    c4026262 \
    c403636363 \
    c40464646464 \
    c4ff[string repeat 65 255] \
    c50100[string repeat 65 256] \
    c50101[string repeat 66 257] \
    c5ffff[string repeat 67 65535] \
    c600010000[string repeat 68 65536] \
    c6000186a0[string repeat 69 100000] \

tcltest::test bin-unpack-8 bin -body {
    msgpack unpack [msgpack pack bin hello]
} -result {{bin hello}}

tcltest::test bin-unpack-16 bin -body {
    msgpack unpack [msgpack pack bin hell[string repeat o 300]]
} -match regexp -result {{bin hello{150}o{150}}}

tcltest::test bin-unpack-32 bin -body {
    msgpack unpack [msgpack pack bin hell[string repeat o 100000]]
} -match regexp -result {{bin hello+}}

tcltest::test str str -body {
    flatmap v [list \
        {} a bb ccc dddd [string repeat e 31] [string repeat e 32] \
        [string repeat f 33] [string repeat g 65535] [string repeat h 65536] \
        [string repeat i 100000] \
    ] {
            binary encode hex [msgpack pack str $v]
} -result [list \
    a0 \
    a161 \
    a26262 \
    a3636363 \
    a464646464 \
    bf[string repeat 65 31] \
    d920[string repeat 65 32] \
    d921[string repeat 66 33] \
    daffff[string repeat 67 65535] \
    db00010000[string repeat 68 65536] \
    db000186a0[string repeat 69 100000] \

tcltest::test str-unpack-8 str -body {
    msgpack unpack [msgpack pack str hello]
} -result {{str hello}}

tcltest::test str-unpack-16 str -body {
    msgpack unpack [msgpack pack str hell[string repeat o 300]]
} -match regexp -result {{str hello{150}o{150}}}

tcltest::test str-unpack-32 str -body {
    msgpack unpack [msgpack pack str hell[string repeat o 100000]]
} -match regexp -result {{str hello+}}

tcltest::test array-list array-list -body {
    set n 10
    set tt {}

    append tt [msgpack pack array $n]

    set l {}
    for {set i 0} {$i < $n} {incr i} {
        set v [expr {int(exp($i + $n)) % 100000}]
        lappend l $v
        append tt [msgpack pack int $v]
    append tt [msgpack pack true]

    # Test list
    set tt2 [msgpack pack list int $l]
    append tt2 [msgpack pack true]

    list [string equal $tt $tt2] [binary encode hex $tt]
} -result {1 9acd560acde9e2cdf522cda5adcd0a2cce00010d99ce0001505ecdd6a8cdea41ce0001417cc3}

tcltest::test map-dict-tcl_array-10-31-32 map-dict-tcl_array-10-31-32 -body {
    flatmap n {10 31 32} {
        lassign [test_map $n] eq1 eq2 tt
        list $eq1 $eq2 [binary encode hex $tt]
} -result [list \
    1 1 8ad2ffd55d56d2ffff2b7ed2ff8c8568d2ffff2b7ed2ff6dae06d2ffff2b7e00d2ffff2b7ece00158880d2ffff2b7ece003ee260d2ffff2b7ece00643f89d2ffff2b7ece008065f5d2ffff2b7ece008abf6ed2ffff2b7ece0096f6ced2ffff2b7ec3 \
    1 1 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 \
    1 1 de0020d2fffea63fcdd766d2ffebce03cdd766d2ffd55d56cdd766d2ffd411c7cdd766d2ffc25948cdd766d2ffae201fcdd766d2ffacfd2dcdd766d2ff9abccecdd766d2ff8d6890cdd766d2ff8c8568cdd766d2ff7ee084cdd766d2ff75d1d9cdd766d2ff6dae06cdd766d2ff6d4d6acdd766d2ff693d04cdd766d2ff6769e2cdd76600cdd766ce00158880cdd766ce0016de94cdd766ce00295641cdd766ce003ee260cdd766ce00401cc6cdd766ce006339decdd766ce00643f89cdd766ce00745b70cdd766ce007fa9dccdd766ce008065f5cdd766ce008abf6ecdd766ce008b4deccdd766ce0091ee6fcdd766ce0096f6cecdd766ce00972799cdd766c3 \

tcltest::test map-dict-tcl_array-65535 map-dict-tcl_array-65535 -body {
    lrange [test_map 65535] 0 1
} -result {1 1} -constraints slowTests

tcltest::test map-dict-tcl_array-65536 map-dict-tcl_array-65536} -body {
    lrange [test_map 65536] 0 1
} -result {1 1} -constraints slowTests

tcltest::test nested-1 nested -body {
    set tt {}
    append tt [msgpack pack array 6]
    append tt [msgpack pack int 5]
    append tt [msgpack pack str vijf]
    append tt [msgpack pack int 6]
    append tt [msgpack pack dict int str {1 twee 3 vier}]
    append tt [msgpack pack int 7]
    append tt [msgpack pack str zeven]

    msgpack unpack $tt
} -result {{array {{integer 5} {str vijf} {integer 6}\
            {map {{integer 1} {str twee} {integer 3} {str vier}}}\
            {integer 7} {str zeven}}}}

tcltest::test nested-2 nested -body {
    msgpack unpack [binary decode hex 82a7636c69656e747382a46461746194c40567616d6d61c40564656c74610102a5686f73747392c405616c706861c4056f6d656761a8646174616261736583ae636f6e6e656374696f6e5f6d6178cd1388a7656e61626c6564c3a5706f72747393cd1f41cd1f41cd1f42]
} -result {{map {{str clients} {map {{str data} {array {{bin gamma} {bin delta} {integer 1} {integer 2}}} {str hosts} {array {{bin alpha} {bin omega}}}}} {str database} {map {{str connection_max} {integer 5000} {str enabled} {boolean 1} {str ports} {array {{integer 8001} {integer 8001} {integer 8002}}}}}}}}

tcltest::test fix_ext1 fix_ext1 -body {
    set enc {}
    lappend enc [msgpack pack fix_ext1 42 !]
    lappend enc [msgpack pack fix_ext1 -5 \xFF]

    set dec [lmap x $enc {msgpack unpack $x}]

    concat [lmap x $enc {binary encode hex $x}] $dec
} -result "d42a21 d4fbff {{ext 42 !}} {{ext -5 \xFF}}"

tcltest::test fix_ext2 fix_ext2 -body {
    set enc {}
    lappend enc [msgpack pack fix_ext2 42 !]
    lappend enc [msgpack pack fix_ext2 3 \xCA\xFE]

    set dec [lmap x $enc {msgpack unpack $x}]

    concat [lmap x $enc {binary encode hex $x}] $dec
} -result "d52a2100 d503cafe {{ext 42 !\x00}} {{ext 3 \xCA\xFE}}"

tcltest::test fix_ext4 fix_ext4 -body {
    set enc {}
    lappend enc [msgpack pack fix_ext4 42 !]
    lappend enc [msgpack pack fix_ext4 3 \xCA\xFE]
    lappend enc [msgpack pack fix_ext4 10 \x12\x34\x56\x78]

    set dec [lmap x $enc {msgpack unpack $x}]

    concat [lmap x $enc {binary encode hex $x}] $dec
} -result "d62a21000000 d603cafe0000 d60a12345678\
           {{ext 42 !\x00\x00\x00}} {{ext 3 \xCA\xFE\x00\x00}}\
           {{ext 10 \x12\x34\x56\x78}}"

tcltest::test fix_ext8 fix_ext8 -body {
    set enc {}
    lappend enc [msgpack pack fix_ext8 3 \xCA\xFE]
    lappend enc [msgpack pack fix_ext8 10 \x01\x23\x45\x67\x89\xAB\xCD\xEF]

    set dec [lmap x $enc {msgpack unpack $x}]

    concat [lmap x $enc {binary encode hex $x}] $dec
} -result "d703cafe000000000000 d70a0123456789abcdef\
           {{ext 3 \xCA\xFE\0\0\0\0\0\0}}\
           {{ext 10 \x01\x23\x45\x67\x89\xAB\xCD\xEF}}"

tcltest::test fix_ext16 fix_ext16 -body {
    set enc {}
    lappend enc [msgpack pack fix_ext16 3 \xCA\xFE]
    lappend enc [msgpack pack fix_ext16 11 [string repeat AB 16]]

    set dec [lmap x $enc {msgpack unpack $x}]

    concat [lmap x $enc {binary encode hex $x}] $dec
} -result "d803cafe0000000000000000000000000000\
           {{ext 3 \xCA\xFE\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0}}\
           {{ext 11 ABABABABABABABAB}}"

tcltest::test ext ext -body {
    flatmap v [list \
        {} a bb ccc dddd [string repeat e 255] [string repeat e 256] \
        [string repeat f 257] [string repeat g 65535] [string repeat h 65536] \
        [string repeat i 100000] \
    ] {
        binary encode hex [msgpack pack ext 127 $v]
} -result [list \
    c7007f \
    c7017f61 \
    c7027f6262 \
    c7037f636363 \
    c7047f64646464 \
    c7ff7f[string repeat 65 255] \
    c801007f[string repeat 65 256] \
    c801017f[string repeat 66 257] \
    c8ffff7f[string repeat 67 65535] \
    c9000100007f[string repeat 68 65536] \
    c9000186a07f[string repeat 69 100000] \

tcltest::test ext-timestamp-1 timestamp32 -body {
    msgpack unpack [binary decode hex 81a56576656e7482a56c6162656caa74696d6520626567616ea464617465d6ff00000000]
} -result {{map {{str event} {map {{str label} {str {time began}}\
                                   {str date} {timestamp 0 0}}}}}}

tcltest::test ext-timestamp-2 timestamp32 -body {
    set enc [msgpack pack timestamp32 1598459831]
    list [binary encode hex $enc] [msgpack unpack $enc]
} -result {d6ff5f468fb7 {{timestamp 1598459831 0}}}

tcltest::test ext-timestamp-3 timestamp64 -body {
    set enc {}
    lappend enc [msgpack pack timestamp64 1598459831 0]
    lappend enc [msgpack pack timestamp64 1598459831 123456789]
    lappend enc [msgpack pack timestamp64 1598459831 999999999]

    flatmap x $enc {
        list [binary encode hex $x] [msgpack unpack $x]
} -result {d7ff000000005f468fb7 {{timestamp 1598459831 0}}\
           d7ff1d6f34545f468fb7 {{timestamp 1598459831 123456789}}\
           d7ffee6b27fc5f468fb7 {{timestamp 1598459831 999999999}}}

tcltest::test ext-timestamp-4 timestamp96 -body {
    set enc {}
    lappend enc [msgpack pack timestamp96 1598459831 0]
    lappend enc [msgpack pack timestamp96 1598459831 123456789]
    lappend enc [msgpack pack timestamp96 1598459831 999999999]

    set tt {}
    flatmap x $enc {
        list [binary encode hex $x] [msgpack unpack $x]
} -result {c70cff00000000000000005f468fb7 {{timestamp 1598459831 0}}\
           c70cff075bcd15000000005f468fb7 {{timestamp 1598459831 123456789}}\
           c70cff3b9ac9ff000000005f468fb7 {{timestamp 1598459831 999999999}}}

tcltest::test ext-timestamp-5 {milliseconds and microseconds} -body {
    set enc {}
    lappend enc [msgpack pack milliseconds 1598463308768]
    lappend enc [msgpack pack microseconds 1598463300642468]

    flatmap x $enc {
        list [binary encode hex $x] [msgpack unpack $x]
} -result {c70cff2dc6c000000000005f469d4c\
           {{timestamp 1598463308 768000000}}\
           {{timestamp 1598463300 642468000}}}

tcltest::test ext-unpacker-1 {Add custom unpacker} -setup {
    set up [msgpack::unpacker new]
} -cleanup {
    catch { $up destroy }
    rename ::xor {}
} -body {
    proc ::xor {n type data} {
        if {$type != 100} { error [list wrong type: $type] }

        set res {}
        foreach b [split $data {}] {
            set code [scan $b %c]
            append res [format %c [expr { $code ^ $n }]]

        return [list encrypted $res]

    $up set_ext_unpacker 99 {::xor 42}
    $up set_ext_unpacker 100 {::xor 5}
    $up set_ext_unpacker 1000 {::xor 0}

    $up unpack_string [msgpack pack ext 100 M`iij$]
} -result {{encrypted Hello!}}

tcltest::test ext-unpacker-2 {Remove timestamp unpacker} -setup {
    set up [msgpack::unpacker new]
} -cleanup {
    catch { $up destroy }
} -body {
    $up set_ext_unpacker -1 {}
    $up unpack_string [msgpack pack timestamp32 1598459831]
} -result "{ext -1 \x5f\x46\x8f\xb7}"

tcltest::test ext-unpacker-3 {Get ext unpackers} -setup {
    set up [msgpack::unpacker new]
} -cleanup {
    catch { $up destroy }
} -body {
    set tt {}
    lappend tt [$up set_ext_unpacker]
    lappend tt [$up set_ext_unpacker -1]
} -match regexp -result {\s*-1 \{apply \{\{type data\}.*apply}

tcltest::test pack-unknown-type pack-unknown-type -body {
    msgpack pack foo 99
} -returnCodes error -result {unknown type: foo}

tcltest::test unpack-not-long-enough-array unpack-not-long-enough -body {
    msgpack unpack \xDC\x00\x05\xFF
} -match glob -returnCodes error -result {input string not long enough*}

tcltest::test unpack-not-long-enough-bin unpack-not-long-enough -body {
    msgpack unpack \xC4\x05\xFF
} -returnCodes error -result {input string not long enough,\
                              need 5 byte(s), only 1 left}

tcltest::test unpack-not-long-enough-ext unpack-not-long-enough -body {
    msgpack unpack \xC7\x05\x01\xFF
} -returnCodes error -result {input string not long enough,\
                              need 5 byte(s), only 1 left}

tcltest::test unpack-not-long-enough-str unpack-not-long-enough -body {
    msgpack unpack \xD9\x05\xFF
} -returnCodes error -result {input string not long enough,\
                              need 5 byte(s), only 1 left}

proc mts_unhex hex {
    binary decode hex [string map {- {}} $hex]

proc mts_test_file filename {
    set ch [open [file join $::mtsPath $filename] r]
    chan configure $ch -encoding utf-8
    set yaml [read $ch]
    close $ch

    return $yaml

proc mts_test {filename {key %AUTO%}} {
    set tests [yaml::yaml2dict [mts_test_file $filename]]

    flatmap test $tests {
        set ref [dict get $test [if {$key eq {%AUTO%}} {
            lsearch -inline -not [dict keys $test] msgpack
        } else {
            lindex $key

        set unpacked [flatmap x [dict get $test msgpack] {
            set packed [mts_unhex $x]
            msgpack unpack $packed

        list $ref $unpacked

tcltest::test msgpack-test-suite-array {} -body {
    set filename 40.array.yaml

    foreach {ref values} [mts_test $filename] {
        foreach value $values {
            set a [lmap x [lindex $value 1] { lindex $x 1 }]
            if {$a ne $ref} {
                error [list unpacked array $a ne $ref in $filename]
} -result {} -constraints yaml

tcltest::test msgpack-test-suite-binary {} -body {
    set filename 12.binary.yaml

    foreach {ref values} [mts_test $filename] {
        set ref [mts_unhex $ref]
        foreach value $values {
            set b [lindex $value 1]
            if {$b ne $ref} {
                error [list unpacked binary $b ne $ref in $filename]
} -result {} -constraints yaml

tcltest::test msgpack-test-suite-ext {} -body {
    set filename 60.ext.yaml

    foreach {ref values} [mts_test $filename] {
        lset ref 1 [mts_unhex [lindex $ref 1]]
        foreach value $values {
            set e [lrange $value 1 end]
            if {$e ne $ref} {
                error [list unpacked binary $e ne $ref in $filename]
} -result {} -constraints yaml

tcltest::test msgpack-test-suite-nested {} -body {
    set filename 42.nested.yaml

    foreach {ref values} [mts_test $filename] {
        foreach value $values {
            set m [lmap x [lindex $value 1] { lindex $x 1 }]
            if {$m ne $ref} {
                error [list unpacked array $m ne $ref in $filename]
} -result {} -constraints yaml

tcltest::test msgpack-test-suite-number {} -body {
    foreach filename {
    } {
        foreach {ref values} [mts_test $filename] {
            foreach value $values {
                set n [lindex $value 1]
                if {$n != $ref} {
                    error [list unpacked number $n != $ref in $filename]
} -result {} -constraints yaml

tcltest::test msgpack-test-suite-string {} -body {
    foreach filename {
    } {
        foreach {ref values} [mts_test $filename] {
            foreach value $values {
                set s [lindex $value 1]
                if {$s ne $ref} {
                    error [list unpacked string $s ne $ref in $filename]
} -result {} -constraints yaml

tcltest::test msgpack-test-suite-timestamp {} -body {
    set filename 50.timestamp.yaml

    foreach {ref values} [mts_test $filename] {
        foreach value $values {
            set t [lrange $value 1 2]
            if {$t ne $ref} {
                error [list unpacked timestamp $t ne $ref in $filename]
} -result {} -constraints yaml

tcltest::test msgpack-test-suite-pack-utf8 {} -body {
    set tests [yaml::yaml2dict [mts_test_file 31.string-utf8.yaml]]

    flatmap test $tests {
        set ref [dict get $test string]
        set hex [flatmap x [dict get $test msgpack] {
            string map {- {}} $x
        set hexPacked [binary encode hex [msgpack pack str $ref]]

        if {$hexPacked ni $hex} {
            error [list packed $ref eq $hexPacked not in list $hex]
} -result {} -constraints yaml

# Exit with a nonzero status if there are failed tests.
set failed [expr {$tcltest::numTests(Failed) > 0}]

if {$failed} { exit 1 }